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Inversion Walkthrough Part 21 – Into the Depths, Part 1

Inversion Walkthrough Part 21 – Into the Depths, Part 1

The Terraformer bites through the wall and into open area in the Zero Gravity Rift. Leo and Davis find their way out of it and emerge into the rift. Kick on forward to start this Zero-G area.

Move straight forward for 4 grabs. Turn to the right and you will find the landing spot. 2 Lutadores make their appearance and talk about killing the pair of men with Gravlinks using the Flybots. Move in on them and pick them off quickly. Get into cover and move over to the left. You will notice 2 mine carts nearby. Shift over to them and start pushing them down the track. It will keep you cover from the Snipers well enough. Move forward until Leo mentions the fence might be flammable. Look along the right-hand side of the mine cart tracks. You will see some yellow drums. Fire off a Low Gravity burst to lift them up then fling them into the fence and the Lutadores.

Once Davis makes it to the end of the track, move to the right-hand side of the mine cart. There are more Lutadores that will be firing on you from up the slope behind you. Take them out using the various items around and bullets. There is a single sniper at the top of this path as well, you have been warned.

Once they are all dead, head up the slope and over to the right. Just follow this to the drop off. Jump down from there and start off to the right again. Go over to the left to start another cutscene. Unfortunately this one leads to a number of Lutadores coming in at you from the Zero-G rift ahead. It starts with 3 Lutadores, then 2 Commanders and a few more Lutadores. Now turn to the right. You have  at least 3 more Commanders to deal with.

Once they are all dead, head over to where the first 3 attacked you. Look to the right. There is a container on a crane. Use the High Gravity function to pull it down and create a bridge across for your team. On the other side you will find a platform that will get to the other side. Right at the start of it, in the front center, you will find the lever that Leo mentions. Pull it to start moving it.

Focus first the tower to the right of the platform. There are a number of Lutadores that will appear and start attacking you from there. A few will be on the very top of the tower. Most will appear on the middle level. Only a few, approximately 2-4, will appear on the lowest level of this tower.

Just after your platform passes the first platform, the camera will zoom in on a Single commander that has an RPG. Take aim immediately and kill him quickly. It will take at least 2 shots, even with a Sniper Rifle to get him. Doing so has the advantage of ripping through a lot of the structure he was on and causing a good bit of collapse.

Just after the collapse, one will manage to jump onto the platform and stop it from moving while he has cover fire from the nearby structure. Take out the one on the platform first and then immediately turn your attention toward the rest of the Lutadores. The platform will keep going for a short while after that.

A cutscene will run once you start taking fire from the turret. Leo and Davis jump to safety and take cover. The turret is laying down some very serious fire. Have Davis move over to the right and change to the nearest bit of cover. Look up and you will see a number of suspended crates. Switch to High Gravity and use it to pull down the nearest one. After that just dash over to it. From the cover of this container you can easily pull the rest down. Once that is done, just dash from one to the next to make it all the way across. Be sure to switch on the High Gravity shield to reduce any damage you would otherwise take. When you reach the final one, look up to find a last container to pull down. Dash all the way to the end.