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Inversion Walkthrough Part 28 – Red Sky, Part 2

Inversion Walkthrough Part 28 – Red Sky, Part 2

Head through the archways then look up and to the right. Another altered gravity area and a number of enemies up there firing down on you. Once the Lutadores are dead then have Davis head into the Gravity Anomaly to change the plane of Gravity.

Once they land, it is right into a firefight. Immediately take cover and turn your attention toward the bridge overhead. There is one Lutadore there but he does have a better line of sight than most of his companions here. Try not to leave the cover of this first area. There are a good 6-8 Lutadores you need to deal with in addition to a small, final wave of Slaves.

Once the fight is over, head to the right up the stairs nearby the Gravity Well in the back right. Follow them up to find an expansion for the Gravlink and even more ammo. Now head forward to the next Gravity Anomaly and press forward using it. The moment you land, hit cover as 2 Lutadores will immediately open fire on you. Move to the left as you fire to get into position to move forward easily. AT the end of this part is another Gravity Anomaly so run into it to move forward.

Again Lutadores are waiting when you land. Get into cover that is just ahead. There are 2 Lutadores laying down a lot of fire on you. Once they are dead, head forward to the right, around the corner. There are 2 more Lutadores waiting. Get into cover and take them out to reach the next Anomaly. Another 3 will reveal themselves and open fire on you. Most are on the next plane of gravity while the rest are on the same plane.

With all of them dealt with, head through the Anomaly. Land, loot the area, then head to the left into the cave that Leo comments on. Head around the two corners then onto the bridge. On the other side of it, it is time for a Zero-G area.

Jump off into the Zero-G area. Just after Davis gets a handhold on the first landing, a pair of Terraformers punch through and disgorge their cargo. This is a number of Lurkers and Lutadores. Kill them as best you can then follow the Zero-G path forward. It all seems to just move along a single plane which is nice. There is a quick cutscene with Leo and Davis jumping in Zero-G before play resumes.

Jump forward to the claw ledges as Leo comments on the Grav-Cells that are everywhere. Just take cover after 2 jump and a trio of Lutadores attack you. From there, just focus on blasting them down as you have Davis finish the last of this Zero-G area. It is easy enough to land and press forward from there.

As they approach, at least 2 more Lutadores will appear and open fire on the pair. Take them down then look to the left. There you will find a river of Lava. Fire a Low Gravity blast into it, grab the resulting blob of Lava and throw it inside the wooden gate in front of you. It will burn in moments and likely set anyone nearby on fire. There are 3 more slaves that will charge you after the gate is burned.