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Inversion Walkthrough Part 29 – Red Sky, Part 3

Inversion Walkthrough Part 29 – Red Sky, Part 3

Head up the slope and take out the 2 Lutadores that try to attack you on the way. Turn right at the top and head across to the other side on the zipline. Head forward through the break in the rock. Another cutscene will run showing the pair come face to face with a Brute wielding a Lava Spewer.

The Brute
Take cover and stone is much more your friend than anything else. Keep moving and keep close to the Lava Pools. Use Low Gravity to create Lava Globs and throw them at the Brute to inflict some serious harm on him. Time them well as there will be a period after each blob that he is burning. You can interrupt his Gravlink attack by nailing him with one of your own. This can be done while he is using the Lava Spewer as well to stop the attack some.

On the defensive side, Davis is much better off taking cover behind the pillars than the low walls. They protect him a lot better from the lava's flame. Davis will still take some damage, but it will not kill him. Also, there is a Gravity Charge in the middle of the arena. If Davis gets down to his last blast, aim it at the Brute and then make a dash forward.

Once you have taken down the Brute, Davis will grab the Lava Spewer. Head over to the left of where you took down the Brute. Leo will ask you to use the Lava Spewer to clear the wooden gate ahead of you. Just a quick burst is needed to do so. In the next room you hear some Lutadores talking about how the children have gone to the capital. There was apparently another, likely recently, that was only carrying packages. Head through the wooden gate you just burned down and go over to the left then right. Use the Lava Spewer again to burn through this door as well.

On the other side, it is time to start fighting again. There are a lot of Slaves that will charge at regular intervals. There are only a few Lutadores below that will be firing up at you. Take out the Slaves, if they are being problematic, then the Lutadores. Head across the catwalk to the Cargo containers then use those to reach ground again. Things do not get any easier though. There are a lot of slaves that will keep rushing the pair as they press forward, over to the left. Try to get through the wave and over the small metal hill to the next section.

This part changes things slightly. Opposed to a large number of Slaves, which you have already cut through, you have a turret firing on you after a brief calm. Dash for the nearest cover and look up. Time to use High Gravity to create cover and get close. Unfortunately, this turret has slight better defenses than the others. As Davis moves forward he has to contend with a number of Slaves coming charging at him and Leo from both sides. It is best to advance after you have the first of the containers down to give the slaves minimal cover. Keep with pulling down the containers and advancing. Once you have a clear run for the ammo stash on the right-hand side, go for it. Back there you will find a RPG you can unleash on the turret to take it out. Grab it, turn to the tower with the turret and unleash a barrage to take it down.