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Inversion Walkthrough Part 30 – Red Sky, Part 4

Inversion Walkthrough Part 30 – Red Sky, Part 4

Head over to where Leo is and use High Gravity to bring down the bridge. Head forwards as best you can with the bridge's path. After that, call on Leo to get over the next crate. Once both are on the other side, fire on the slaves to draw them to you. It will, likely, not draw the attention of the Slave Driver until after they are dead. At this point, he calls for reinforcements.

Slave Driver
The arena this round does not seem to have as much cover as the others. It also lacks the usual protective hole in the middle. This time you need to count on out-running the Slave Driver and keep the distance much more the old fashioned way. There are still structures you can use for cover but not nearly as much as before. Also, keep in High Gravity Mode for this fight. It will pin down the Slave Driver, which interrupts his attacks and it will kill the slaves quickly as well. Do not let yourself get cornered in this fight. With the raw number of enemies that can come at Davis, it can spell his death quickly.

Just like last time you will also find Lutadores in the fight as well. They are tougher than the slaves and there is only so much energy and so many bullets to go around. Focus on the wave of enemies and then switch over to the Slave Driver. He does not seem to use his Gravlink as frequently. This helps ensure you can focus on the immediate threat, which gives more Gravlink Cells and more ammo. Use this to fuel your shield when low on health and to keep the Slave Driver as pinned as possible.

Focus on the Slaves and Lutadores. Only when they are done will the Slave Driver actually drop his shield after firing a blast. As he moves toward Davis be sure to use High Gravity Blasts to pin him down and unload on him or to retreat and restock. Remember, you must wipe out the wave before he will expose himself.

Once the fight is over, some Lutadores will appear on top of the containers and start firing down on Daivs and Leo. Just get into cover and wait a moment for the next cutscene to begin. IT shows the pair fighting against a lot of Lutadores as they get into the bridge of a ship and cast off. That finishes out the chapter with Leo giving the Lutes the bird.