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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 59: Refugee Camp Serial Quests

There are only a few serial quests in the Refugee Camp, but they’re important.  Additionally, at this point you should finally be of a level to go back and complete one of the notable serial quests from Colony 9.

Colony 9 Old Quest: Sesame’s Plan

Quest 1: Get 2 Croaking Brog Bag to Sesame (and keep an eye on the group).  Then go see Betty and return to Sesame.
Reward: 1000g, 150xp, Critical Up II gem

Quest 2: Get 2 Iron Krabble Shell to Sesame (and keep an eye on the group).  Then go see Kenny Rohan and return to Sesame.
Reward: 1500g, 200xp, Strength Up II gem

Quest 3: Kill Dark Murakmor on the 2nd Anti-Air Battery (and really watch the group, something big is up).  Then go see Sesame.  Then go check the lamppost near the main gate/bridge.
Reward: 5000g, 1200xp, Attack Stability II

On completing this third quest, you will go to a semi-cutscene.  As it turns out, Sesame and his crew, who meet during the night in the shady back alley in the Commercial District haven’t been up to anything dastardly at all- Kenny and Betty had the parts they needed, and Dark Murakmor was in the way of them setting up- a fireworks show!  The show is brief but pretty, and then you get to talk to Sesame- what he and his friends have been working on is an attempt to cheer up the people of Colony 9 after the Mechon attack.  This is the first quest quite like this I’ve ever seen anywhere but in an MMORPG and frankly, they pull it off even better, perhaps because you don’t constantly see other people completing it and launching their own fireworks.  Go figure.

Refugee Camp Serial Quests:

Set 1: The Book

Matryona Quest: Matryona wants to have a book to give to a young nopon who was orphaned during the Mechon attack.  However, she cannot write- only illustrate.  She wants you to get Ewan to write a story that she can illustrate.  Go talk to Ewan to convince him.

Ewan, as it turns out, needs something in return for his services, having lost a bit of his creative spark.  You need to go get some meat.

Collect 3 Ponio Neck Meat and bring them to Ewan.

Go talk to Matryona.
Reward: 1200g, 280xp, Quark Armour

Ewan Quest- Matryona is a bit shy on paints for her illustrations.  Ewan can make some of the kind of paint she needs, but he requires Sour Gooseberries to make the paint.  Go collect 4 Sour Gooseberries and bring them to Ewan.

Bring the paint to Matryona, then return to Ewan.
Reward: 750g, 200xp, Lime Bangle

Matryona Quest- Matryona has completed the book, and wants you to give it a look and tell her what you think of the story and illustrations.

Monado Flash!: Pama, having gotten the wrong idea from the book, wades into the river to talk to the river spirit from the book- and then starts to drown!

On telling Matryona that Pama may get a dangerous idea, she agrees and offers to change the art- but she needs a Lake Drop to edit the art.

Monado Flash!: Arda, a hom, is feeling ill and needs some medicine to look after Pama like she wants to.

Get the Lake Drop from the cave under the cliff in the North side of Raguel Lake (Take care- a dangerous, sight-aggro level 72 fish likes to lurk there during the day).  Bring it to Matryona.
Reward: 1500g, 250xp, Damage Heal II, See Pama receive the book and enjoy it.

Arda Quest- Arda needs a tonic made from the Medicinal Herb (which can be found near the Tranquil Grotto).
Reward: 800g, 400xp, Arts Heal II

Set 2: Lying Earnest

Earnest Quest- Find the Everlasting Ether Deposit in a cave North of the Camp!  The deposit is in Kisk cave.

On finding the deposit, you will be ambushed by roughly ten Leg Arachno.  Be careful, this many Arachno is dangerous even if you’re past level 20.

Go see Earnest and tell him he was completely wrong and his idea was ridiculous anyways.
Reward: 750g, 300xp, Lime Bangle

Earnest Quest- Find the Endless Ether Deposit to the Southeast of the bridge over Raguel Lake.  The deposit is again guarded by an ambush, this time of a variety of monsters.  It also still isn’t endless.

Go see Earnest and call him out on his dumb ideas.
Reward: 1000g, 500xp, Earth Cloak II

Earnest Quest- Earnest is sorry about all the trouble he’s put you to, but he does want to ask you to do something serious.  There is a friend of his who was killed by a monster- his grave is on a cliff to the North of Kasharpa Falls.  Please bring some flowers to the grave.

Kasharpa Falls is on the upper level of the Bionis’ Leg, and the grave is easy to find.  On setting the flowers there, a monster appears again- the one that killed Earnest’s friend!  Named Arrogant Tirkin, it is level 17 and not nearly as dangerous as either of the two earlier ambushes.  Kill the blasted thing, and give Earnest some peace.
Reward: 1200g, 750xp, Grand Boots.