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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 60: Central Bionis’ Leg- Viliera Hill Monsters

This area has a number of subsections, each with their own set of denizens.  Sadly, some of the areas are still off-limits to you for various reasons, but for the most part it’s just an interesting place to have a look around and enjoy more of the handiwork done on the game environments.  Viliera Hill is the first of these areas that you will encounter- a curious bit of terrain that looks like someone excavated almost all of a hill, leaving a valley with a few landbridges interlocked with one another over it.

Viliera Hill
Monster Levels: 13-16, 32, 76, and 82

Torta- This is only your second encounter with anything near this huge, these creatures rivaling or even beating Metal Face in terms of raw size.  The Torta are thankfully all nonaggressive creatures, despite the many sharp teeth on their jaws.  They look like a strange cross between a turtle and a dolphin, with a flat two-lobed fin on the back and flipperlike arms.  They also have immense shells which appear to be made of dirt and rock- not only is there a tree growing atop each one, but the shell bears a coating of grass and weeds on the upper surface.  While they may startle you at first, mostly they just wander (slowly) in random directions and occasionally slightly shake the ground.

Varieties: Mount Torta (Level 32), Armored Rockwell (Level 82, Named)

Antol- This is the first place you’ve seen the Antol in a while, and sadly there’s still not much remarkable about them other than the ability to power up their own Strength.  These Antol are much more violent, though, and are aggresive on sight.  Fortunately, they only travel in groups of two or three and the creatures around here are very spread out- it’s simplicity itself to avoid them if you happen to not match their levels, though you likely have nothing to worry over.  Keep in mind that Antol are pack-fighters, and if you happen to drag one group into another you could find yourself in a little trouble.

Varieties: Basin Antol, Leg Antol

Volff- Volff remain as they were in the Gaur Plains- creatures of modest means that exist in small groups of three or so- usually two Ugly Volff and one Leg Volff.  While they are sight-aggressive and pack fighters, they just don’t pack much threat.  Sometimes they’ll use a howl to grant a slight boost to one another, but really there’s nothing special here to worry about.

Varieties: Leg Volff, Ugly Volff

Armu- Armu exist here as well, though thankfully devoid of the dangerous Magnis Ardun from the lower Gaur Plains area.  They seem to stick in families of two or three, and remain inoffensive- though they are pack fighters, so try not to smack one while too many others are nearby.  As ever, Armu are big heavy sacks of HP that don’t dish out too much damage, but can take a real beating with little issue.

Varieties: Leg Ardun, Daughter Armu

Wisp- Night Wisps are as Night Wisps do.  Strangely, the ones around here aren’t replacing Fliers at all- they just appear at night and vanish in the day.  Nothing special here.

Varieties: Night Wisp

Gogol- Remember that gigantic creature wandering around the upper Gaur Plains?  As it turns out, he’s not the only one of his kind, though he’s certainly head and shoulders (and elbows and hips and knees) above the rest of his kin- the Gogol.  Aggressive on sight, these creatures are to be avoided at all costs- while they aren’t pack fighters, they are all possessed of a ridiculous level of 76, putting them thoroughly outside the range of your ability to handle right now.  Fortunately the only ones here live on a raised chunk of land North of Viliera Hill that it’s very hard to accidentally wander into.  All the same, keep your eyes up- running into one will hurt like you wouldn’t believe.

Varieties: Sloth Gogol (Level 76)