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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 61: Central Bionis’ Leg- Sky Stage and the Daksha Shrine Monsters

Best band ever.

I mean, uh.

There are no monsters in Sky Stage- if you move to the edge you will occasionally catch some of the Viliera Hill Volff, and of course, Violent Andante wanders between the two areas.

Sky Stage is actually very dangerous- while it’s a pretty view and an interesting set of land bridges, there are edges everywhere and it’s far too easy to accidentally walk off one.  A good spot for sightseeing, but otherwise leave it alone.

Interestingly, if you head East from Sky Stage rather than Southeast towards Raguel Lake, there is a set of long stairs and flat areas leading up to a small sideregion- Daksha Shrine.  Infested with bugs, Daksha Shrine provides some interesting events- and your first access to a secret area.  After reaching the Shrine, if you head to the South edge and carefully climb down some vines, you can make your way across a narrow ledge to a small cave.  Not only is there the Twisted Gun, the second of the three pieces of gear belonging to the son of the lady in Colony 9, but going further up the cave leads to the Observation Platform- a cute little secret area that you can lurk in only if it’s raining.

Sky Stage
Monster Level: 20

Armu- Violent Andante is another huge Armu- and the first one to have some truly noteworthy special attacks.  While otherwise just a big sack of defenses and HP like most Armu, Violent Andante distinguishes itself with two particular things- the use of Ardun Plow, a charging attack that shoves those it hits out of the way- and those who are still in its path can get hit multiple times- and that it enrages when its HP gets low.  A bit of a long fight, but it shouldn’t be too dangerous by now.

Varieties: Violent Andante

Daksha Shrine
Monster Levels: 13-17, 75-76, 78

Antol- Yep, more of these.  Thankfully, unlike the Antol in the Viliera Hill area, these creatures are passive.  They’re pack fighters as usual for Antol, but they’re only in groups of three.  Nothing new here, move along, move along.

Varieties: Prarie Antol, Leg Antol

Pod- Pods are the egg sacks for the insectoid Antol and Arachno creatures.  As with all Pods, the ones here are sound-reactive- but rather than attacking when they hear you, they shake for a little while.  After almost enough time to destroy the Pod without relying heavily on Arts, the pod bursts and releases two or three of whichever creature is found near it.  In this case, the Pods contain more Prarie and Leg Antol, which are passive- and that means that unless you triggered an area attack just as the pod was breaking (an unfortunately frequent occurrence), the fight will immediately end and you will be unmolested once more.  Go figure.

Varieties: Daksha Pod

Bayern- This is the first thing quite like this you can find, and while it looks -similar- to the Queen Arachno, it doesn’t use the same model at all.  This giant spider-thing is horribly dangerous, but thankfully moves and acts quite slowly.  You won’t see it at first- it lurks behind the shrine in the pit below.  On approaching closely enough to snag the Giant’s Mirror that sits in the center of the shrine, you may notice several legs cresting the edge of the platform.  This is your cue to run, because the Clifftop Bayern is a massive level 32 creature with sight aggression, and you’re simply not prepared for that yet.  As I said before, though, it’s fortunately slow, so just running will allow you to escape the fight quite easily.

Varieties: Clifftop Bayern (Level 32)

Vang- Do not fight the Vang here in the side cave.  Yes, it’s only a Vang.  It’s also a pack fighter and level 75-76.  It will destroy you.  That is all.

Varieties: Tempest Vang (Level 75-76)

Hox- As with the Vang, do not fight the one you find here.  It is also massively high-level, and it’s sight-aggro, so be very careful and quick when you go to grab that Twisted Gun.

Varieties: Dark Hox (Level 75-76)

Valencia- This is a huge bird that thankfully appears mostly during the daytime and never when it rains.  Unthankfully, this thing is way outside your power range and will immediately come to land on the Observation Platform if you happen to stand there for, oh, say, half a second.  On the upside, the platform is -right- over Raguel Lake....

Varieties: Canyon Valencia (Level 78)