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Inversion Walkthrough Part 27 – Red Sky, Part 1

Inversion Walkthrough Part 27 – Red Sky, Part 1

The two have a long time to think and Davis is decidedly on edge from everything that has been happening. When the elevator stops, they find themselves somewhere else. A molten, hellish world. After seeing children for the second time, he is even more determined to find Leila. Leo cannot help but go along.

Head over to the right and follow the  catwalk over in that direction. Use the Gravlink to blast away the stones and other debris from there. Head to the right for a quick recharge in the well of energy then head to the left and drop down from the ledge there.

Follow the course from the ledge straight ahead. Keep on the narrow part just to keep clear of the lava. There is nothing to worry about there … for now. The path leads to a cave which is the only way through. Head on inside. After a short walk through this crevice, Davis will find more Lutadores. They are talking about how things seem to be better in the capital. Take some time to line up some nice shots and take out the Lutadores while they talk. There are 4 guarding the gate. A good gravity burst early will get them all floating and ready to be killed, quickly. 4 more will join the fray after it starts so deal with them quickly as well. One of them has the bright idea to climb the tower and grab an RPG to fire down on you. Take him out then worry about his buddies.

After the battle, Davis mentions gathering as much ammo as they can. It is very apparent they need a lot of it. Now head for the back of the area. Look to the right of the tower to notice the counterweight that needs to be pulled down to open the gate in front of you. High gravity blast that to move on forward. Time for a cutscene that reveals another Slave Driver.

6 Slaves rush Leo and Daivs immediately. Take them out however you desire. Move forward and Leo will point out 3 Lutadores rushing across the bridge and suggest using the Gravlink. 2 High gravity blasts will break the boards underneath them and pull them down to their death. Press forward to the nearby cover and start up the next fight.

From the left side of the compound Davis is approaching will come another wave of Slaves. Behind that wave, a number of Lutadores will get into position. 3 take up a post at the tower at the left end of the bridge. 2 take cover from where the slaves came charging from. Pay more attention to the ones above as they will get someone with an RPG. He is directly above where the Slaves start charging from and this means he is near a number of explosive barrels. Blow them to quickly take care of a rocket problem. 3 more Lutadores will come out at your team before another wave of Slaves comes charging from the very back.

After all the dust settles from that skirmish, Leo will ask what happened with the Slave Driver. The best thing to do there is move forward and sweep the area for ammo. There is a good bit to be found as the pair presses forward for the next doorway.