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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 91 – Alester and Mors – Bounds, Part 2

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 91 – Alester and Mors – Bounds, Part 2

Objective: “Jeyne is being held somewhere in the castle. Find her and free her.”
Although the Guard is dead, you still need to make your way through the gate. Switch Alester and look around for the Potted Place across from the stairs you came up. Using the Vision of R'hllor, you can reveal 10 silver. After that, head through the door to the West. This leads into Harlton's Office.

Head over to the desk and investigate it some. You will find the unique weapon, “Strombreaker” and a letter from Raynald Sarwyck on the desk. The letter from the late Sarwyck reveals his concerns about the Shadow Council. Turn to the left of the desk and investigate the bookshelf to find another codex entry, “Missive from beyond the Narrow Sea.” Finally, look to the right of the fireplace to find the codx entry, “The Hunting Party.”

Now, there are 2 ways to get past the locked gate. The first is using Mors' Skinchanger ability and investigating the Fireplace with the Hound it will reveal some loot for Mors. It turns out to be the needed keys to get through the gate. The second path is to move to the left of the Fireplace and use Alester's Vision of R'hllor ability. It will reveal a hidden doorway there that lets you get around the locked gate.

Either way, head down the corridor and go North. Take the next right that you can. Just follow that over to the door in the Northeastern corridor in this area. Go through it to find Jeyne and her guard.

Inside you will find Ethan of the Reach who has one of his men take Jeyne hostage. This battle is against 3 men. There is Ethan of the Reach who is an Elite Boss in Heavy Armor, and 2 men: 1 in Medium and 1 in Light Armor. Just keep Ethan from getting off any of his abilities. Have the Hound pin him down a bit while you have Alester and Mors quickly kill off the other 2 men. Once it is just down to Ethan, kill him quickly.

Mors is overjoyed to see Jeyne again. It is made clear though that Jeyne has gone into labor. The trio start on their way out. Unfortunately this is when Harlton walks down the corridor to investigate some reports he has received. He talks to the men and tries to get them to come over to his side. Neither Alester or Mors are enthusiastic to side with Harlton after what he has done and Harlton will not change his mind.

Objective: “Find a way out of the room quickly.”
Loot the bodies of the fallen. On Ser Ethan's you will find a Hiltless Broadsword, a Seal of Knowledge and a Westeros Archive. The Archive adds the codex entry,  “The Greyjoy Rebellion.” Look to the left of the corpses and you can notice some heat lines. Use the Vision of R'hllor quickly to reveal the mechanism to open the secret passage there. Just use the mechanism to get everyone through. Alester jams the mechanism after the door closes then moves to investigate what is going on outside the walls. Mors makes a promise to Jeyne that he will get her and her child to the Free Cities. Alester will come back and tell them that the battle is starting to go against Harlton. Mors is now very driven to get out of there and get Jeyne and her coming baby to safety.