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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 92 – Alester and Mors – Bounds, Part 3

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 92 – Alester and Mors – Bounds, Part 3

Objective: “Fight yout way through Harlton's Army to flee Castlewood.”
Have Alester and Mors start down the corridor. Whatever you do, save your potions and oils for now. They are going to be needed soon for a major battle. Head to the North and start down the staircase. Pause when you reach the lever on your left. Have someoen open it and leave the stairwell. Turn immediately to the South and go back into the cellar. As the party passes through there, Jeyne is seized by pain and has to stop, screaming.

After the pause, head into the Main Dining Hall. There is squad of 4 men waiting there for Mors, Jeyne and Alester. Charge in and have at them. 3 of them are in Medium Armor, and 1 is in Light Armor. Focus on taking out the melee combatants with Alester and Mors and have the Hound attack the Archers.

Once they are dead go to the South and open the door leading into the Hallway. There Alester and Mors will be charged by 2 Foes, 1 in Heavy Armor and 1 in Medium Armor. To the right, you will be pelted by arrows from 2 archers, both in Light Armor. Defeat them all then head to the Southwest, toward the entrance of the castle. As you make it to the entryway is when things take a turn for the worst.

Harlton appears, claiming the castle is soon to be lost. He demands that Jeyne be turned over to him. Jeyne does not want this and is very resistant to that idea as well. When they all refuse, he orders Desmond to kill Mors and Alester.

This is anything but easy to deal with. On the floor with Alester and Mors is Desmond who is an Elite Boss in Heavy Armor. Also there is a pair of guards in Light Armor. On the nearby ledges, overlooking the area, is pairs of Archers, firing on your party. Have either Alester or Mors focus on Desmond and have them keep interrupting his abilities. Whoever is free, have them focus on the other 2 guards that are on the ground with them who are in Light Armor. Be sure that you also have the Hound attacking either of the Archers above you to keep the arrows to the minimum. Once the others are dead, have Alester and Mors split apart to kill both of the Archers.

Once all those men are dead, 4 more show up to challenge Alester and Mors. The 2 that come charing in on the main floor are in Medium Armor. One of the Archers is now in Heavy Armor and the other Archer is in Light Armor. Do everything you can to quickly kill them.

They make it to the other side of the gate. Jeyne goes into labor and her baby is born. Valarr comes charging in afterward and kills Jeyne. She pulls off one final deception: she pushes Mors past the portcullis and pulls it down. She knows that Valarr has no idea the baby has been born. She charges him after making Mors promise to protect her newborn child. Mors swears vengeance and they leave.

The two make it back to Riverspring. They hand the baby over to Maester Harwyn to examine. Harwyn will also inform them that something else has changed, the King is dead. Now comes a hard choice, the child, what is to become of him. After that, they talk with Harwyn and learn more about what Valarr can do with his magic. It is apparent it has a heavy price and cannot be used much more without killing Valarr outright. After that they determine the best way to get the child into King's Landing is to have Maester Harwyn take the child there. Finally, the old maester has some news for Mors, Qhorin Halfhand has sent a raven that there is a group of Wildlings to track down. This means you can engage in the final side quests of the game, “Rites and Litanies” and “Not So Wild.”

Objective: “When you are ready to take vengeance on Valarr, return to your chambers in Riverspring Castle.”
Head into Riverspring Castle and return to Alester's room on the first floor. From the entrance, head over to the West and up the stairwell there to the first floor. Turn to the right and go through the first door on the left. Interact with it and Alester will ask Mors if everything is ready. Just say “Yes, it is time” to move events forward. Create a Save File just before making this choice if you want to have a chance at all 4 possible endings of the game.

Varys will narrate a small portion and ask you to choose a destiny. This will determine who you fight as in the final chapter. The two battles are very different as are the different endings.