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The Challenge Of ESO Veteran Builds

A lot has been written about character builds in ESO. Like in any MMO, characters are created by combining different attributes, abilities and equipment to give your character the ability to defeat their enemies. Players can find tons of advice on character builds on any forum, ESO blog or gaming site.

However, not much has been said about builds for Veteran levels. Veteran builds in ESO are different from the builds used in ESO's regular levels. They are different in the tools you have to create the build. They are different because ESO builds for Veteran Levels need to be built to higher standards than builds for standard levels.

The "Tools" for ESO Builds

An ESO character is build out of skill points, stats, weapons, equipment, and morph abilities. All characters up to Level 50 are slowly built by adding a stat point a level, skill points, weapons, and equipment as the player can find or build them, and morph abilities as the skills level up. These are the tools the player uses to create their character.

Veteran Levels have two major changes from regular levels. First, they no longer receive stat point. This means the stat pools (Health, Magicka, and Stamina) are unable to increase, permanently capping one aspect of a character's power levels. Second, characters have access to the entire continent of Tamriel. This means they can find every Sky Shard and every unique crafting site in the world. Skill points, weapons, and equipment options skyrocket. With all the Sky Shards players can pick an absolutely ridiculous number of skills. Unique crafting sites allow player to create armor and weapons with unique abilities. By mixing and matching equipment from various crafting sites, players can create equipment with literally epic bonuses.

Higher Standards for Veteran's Builds

Veteran Levels are called 'Veteran' for a reason. They are built to be incredibly difficult, and only the toughest and most experienced characters can be expected to survive. In regular levels, you can get away with a merely decent build, and still climb your way to the top. In Veteran Levels, you need a great build or you will get stuck. As one player put it, "Once I hit Veteran, the game became about crafting my character." Creating the best character possible is key to advancing through the Veteran Levels.

Players who don't enjoy putting a lot of time and thought in to their ESO builds are better off stopping at Level 50 and starting a new character. The Veteran Levels just don't allow for anything less than ultimate attention to build.

Veteran's Levels in ESO are both the same and different from the regular levels. Players who want to play a character through the Veteran Levels will need to change some of their thinking on how to build their character, as stat points disappear and skill points increase dramatically. Don't let all those skills go to your head though--Veteran Levels really do require the best ESO build possible.