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Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 88 – Alester and Mors – Bounds, Part 1

Game of Thrones Walkthrough Part 88 – Alester and Mors – Bounds, Part 1

The chapter starts with Alester informing Mors of everything that has happened while he was dead. He is shocked to learn that Valarr knew where to find Jeyne. Alester can either tell the truth or lie. Either way, Mors is very concerned for Jeyne. The next thing the two talk of is getting into Castlewood. Mors can suggest either using Valarr's attack to slip in or taking advantage of his dog who is still there. Next, it is talking either about the layout or the garrison there.

Before Alester and Mors can leave, Harwyn comes out and tells Alester that he should organize a vigil and learn the people in mourning. Harwyn is angry that Alester wants to leave immediately. Mors will have receive the trait, “Back From The Seven Hells” at this point. It gives him +1 Endurance. At this point, there are a number of side quest that can be completed. If these guides have been followed, you can now complete “Faith of our Ancestors” and “New Blood.” More will be available once this quest is much closer to completion.

Head to the Northern docks of Riverspring. Talk with Victor there to secure passage over to Castlewood. As the two make their way to Castlewood, they talk and it is possible for them to bury the hatchet that has come between them. Alester has yet to reveal his motivation for seeking out Jeyne and does not see what course to take here.

Objective: “Jeyne is being held somewhere in the castle. Find her and free her.”
At Castlewood itself, head up the stairs that are just to your right. On the next landing, Mors will be reunited with the Hound. Mors remarks on how the Hound knows Jeyne's scent well. Switch to Mors and shift into the Hound. Head over to the East and into the entry. Move carefully and keep to the shadows as much as possible. There is a guard that patrols between the Throne Room and the Entrance. Wait for him to get over to the door of the Castle then have the Hound move up on him for a stealth kill. With him dead, head across the foyer to the door opposite you.

Go on through the door and turn to the left. You do not need to fight the group up ahead. In ways, it is better to avoid them. Switch back to the Hound and head along the corridor to the North. Turn to the East at the end of it to find a pair of guards talking. Wait  for them to finish and one will walk away. Use this time to have the Hound rip out the guard's throat. Once he is dead, return to Mors and have everyone run through the doors that he was guarding. The trio will now be in the Dining Hall.

Once inside, the clock is running down fast. You will notice a guard walk into the kitchen behind the Dining Hall. Quickly, as Mors, send the Hound after him. When the Hound has a clear shot at his back, have him charge forward and rip the man's throat out. Quickly have Mors and Alester follow the Hound into the kitchens. Loot the body of the man there to get the Key to the Castlewood Cellar. Use it on the door in the back of the Kitchens to find a secure hiding place for now.

Once inside the cellar you can actually pause for a moment. Still, there is a woman to rescue. Turn to the West and open the door there. Step into the Hound and wait for the guard in the Hallway to head up the stairs. Once he reaches the top start chasing after him and kill him. Loot the body and then carefully open the nearby door. Take the stairwell up to the first door on your left.

Understand the coming part is scripted, there is no way around it. As the door opens, a guard is alerted to Mors and Alester. You can quickly catch up to him and kill him by skinchanging into the Hound and chasing after him using the hole in the gate he just closed on you. This results in a very quick chase and  he is dead likely just after opening the second gate if you are quick enough.