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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 76: Come Together, Right Now, Over.... Juju?

After that rather surreal and unpleasant experience, Sharla is seen walking out of the cave that the refugee camp occupies.  Her stride is even as she moves forwards.

Shulk and Reyn are standing out by the pond that the escape ship has been landed in, and they at first seem not to notice as Sharla approaches.  Still, they do turn presently, and Shulk says they were starting to get worried.  Reyn attempts to lighten the mood by teasing the medic lightly for oversleeping.  Not actually replying to that, Sharla looks around at the little valley and what few people are in it, then asks how long she was unconscous.  Shulk estimates that it’s been about four hours- at which Sharla insists she has to go.  She moves to head for Colony 6 immediately, but Shulk and Reyn both stop her.  Just as it looks like they might be trying to force her to stay, Shulk asks if he and his friend can come along.

This brings Sharla to a halt, allowing the taller of the two young men to point out that her goal is in the Mechon base at Colony 6, and that he and Shulk are also looking to have a bit of a dust-up with the anthropophagal robots.  Sharla is surprised by this, so the redhead goes on to explain that he and Shulk were actually going to go to Colony 6 without her- but he gets beat up a lot and the two don’t exactly have any other Ether-users to rely on.  Shulk only nods to back him up- but this is enough, and Sharla thanks the two Colony 9 denizens for their help.

As the three head up the rise to leave the valley, Sharla stops, causing the other two to come to a stop as well.  Pausing for a moment, the medic says that she never imagined returning to Colony 6 in such a way, for such a reason.  As this only gets quietness from her traveling companions, Sharla apologizes for ‘losing herself’.  Brushing off the moment of strange grimness, she explains that hte route to Colony 6 leads on from the valley that Juju was found in.

At this point you are freed again, and you should really take this time to make sure you’ve done everything you want to in the regions of the game so far.  The Landmark travel system makes it fairly simple to quick travel to anywhere you’ve been yet, but there’s very little relating any of the former regions to a lot of what’s coming up soon, so you might as well get whatever’s on your plate dealt with.

For instance, finding Batubatu.  Once the Nopon has been recovered, he has a few other quests for you- and so does his friend Gerugu.

Batubatu Quest: Batubatu wants to make a gift to thank his friends for finding him.  Please get a Tokilos Egg from the dangerous ledge to the North, and a Pandora Mushroom from the room with the giant Pods in the Windy Valley.  Sneak down the vines and very carefully behind the Tokilos to get to the egg.  I recommend using the Landmark Travel method to get out of here, just to save wear on your nerves.
Reward: 1000g, 450xp, Spike II Ether Gem, and Batubatu realizes that you were the very friends he wanted to thank.  He is very embarrassed that he sent you to get the pieces for your own gift.  Also, Batubatu proceeds to vanish.

Gerugu Quest: Batubatu has wandered off again.  He’s gone somewhere- apparently at the top of a waterfall.  Please find him.
Step 2: Once you find Batubatu on the approach to Believer’s Paradise, he asks that you get a flower from Believer’s Paradise so he can make a gift for his friends.
Step 3: Bring Batubatu the flower back at his and Gerugu’s camp.
Reward: 1200g, 750xp, Grand Gear, Electric Plus III Ether Gem, and Batubatu realizes he’s gone and done it again!  Out of shame, he promises both to stop wandering off into dangerous places and that someday he’ll make it up to you with a gift that he doesn’t send you to get.  Silly Homs, all looking alike except the face.

After this, it’s time to cross that lake with the tiny island, go up the ramp, and head through the metal-lined passageway- because you’re going to Colony 6.