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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 88: Cough it Up Already

Now thoroughly pissed off by Shulk’s apparent attitude, Otharon insists (loudly) that there isn’t time to observe now- and further, that Shulk doesn’t know anything about the Mechon.  Rightly, Otharon points out that he observed for a whole month, as he planned the attack with Gadolt over that time.  The grizzled man goes on to point out that he knows full well exactly what’s going to happen to the colonists.  Shulk starts to speak up again, but Otharon’s had enough and cuts him off.  He orders Sharla to fall in, and turns and marches away.

Sharla and Reyn stand with Shulk, though.  Sharla asks Shulk again what’s going on, but Shulk, frustratingly, just dithers more.  After a few seconds of aimless mumbling from the blond, Reyn flat-out asks if it’s another vision.  Not giving Shulk time to answer yet, he steps in and asks if his friend has foreseen another death.

Shulk nods in concession, and Reyn says he knew it- and that he knew Shulk wouldn’t turn tail for just anything.  Sharla asks if it was like ‘before’, clearly referring to his visions about her and Juju.

Shulk states that this one was only similar- and that it involved an underground ether river and Otharon, which explains what the mysterious teal-green glow was.  Reyn goes thoughtful over this, considering the ether river and what it could mean.  After a few moments, though, he raises his head and does something that’s been coming for almost as long as Shulk’s been wielding the Monado.

Players all likely have been wondering to this point why it is that Shulk never seems willing to say anything to anyone about the visions the Monado gives him of the future unless they’re visions of the immediate future- what’s going to happen in the next few seconds.  Simply put, it doesn’t make sense to have an asset like that and not do whatever you can to use it to the fullest extent for the benefit of those you see could die.  For whatever reason, Shulk has been stifling his visions, not sharing that he has them- and it’s been clear since his vision of Sharla and Juju dying that this is something he needs to share with his companions so that they can all be prepared.

Perhaps amusingly, the lecture in foresight and planning that Shulk needs is here- and it’s coming from Reyn, who’s been demonstrating a near-lack of both qualities for the entire time.