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Xenoblade Chronicles Guide- Walkthrough Part 89: When There’s All the Time in the World...

Reyn goes over what he already knows, pointing out that Shulk’s strange bond with the Monado allows him to see the future.  And he goes on to point that despite having so much power thanks to that foreknowledge, his blond-haired friend still keeps screwing up royally.  Shulk tries to rebut, saying that he favors brain over fists- implying that thoughtless action will not succeed and careful consideration is needed.  Reyn replies that he may “rush in headfirst, but at least my head’s useful for something.”  Unfortunately for Shulk’s position in this argument, Reyn is even more right- standing and thinking without acting at all will not accomplish even the slightest bit of anything.

Aggravated, Shulk turns away and says he gets it, but Reyn isn’t done and says so.  He declares that Shulk is useless on his own, and that’s what he and Sharla are there for- to work with him to accomplish what he cannot alone.  Shulk tries to argue, but Reyn talks over him, overriding him and insisting that he tell the others about his next vision, so that the group can all do something about it.

“You have a vision you don’t like,” he explains, “We’ll change the future together.”

Backed into a corner verbally, Shulk mumbles his assent, more to get it over with than anything else.  Offended, Reyn tells Shulk to speak with feeling, rather than just to say words.  Now sounding more than a little aggrieved, Shulk says he’ll tell next time, making a concession of it.

Sharla pipes in finally, saying that Reyn is right about the whole thing.  She makes note that they saved Juju once- and because of that, she’s confident that they can save her brother again.  She says she believes in Shulk, for which the blond thanks her- this time thinking his agreement as well.  He considers this, and thinks that the group will change what happens.  He also comes to the realization that he didn’t see Juju or anyone else dying, so there is still hope for them.

That decided and Shulk finally broken from his rut of sullen silence, the three troop on, following Otharon further into the Ether Mine.

There is another Heart-to-Heart lurking here as well, though you can’t see what you need to activate it yet.

The next portion of the mine is more small caves, though there are a few larger rooms in the space.  This area has a few more Materia Krabble and some more vang, including a named Vang that you’ll want to keep an eye on- though it’s only level 20 so it’s not going to be jumping you.  There are also an increasing number of Mechon present, as well as a few Upa- and a large named Lizard known as Vengeful Daulton.  Nothing too threatening, though.  You will need to explore a bit- the door for the Depot Access is closed and one of the branch tunnels leads to the Observation Point walkway, which includes a control to open that door.  It also overlooks the Central Pit, giving you a slightly obscured but still impressive overview of the next sub-area of the mine.