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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 11 – The Thrill of the Hunt, Part 2

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 11 – The Thrill of the Hunt, Part 2

In the next stretch of sewer, Spider-Man will find something interesting: Oscorp Logo and archival records. A quick call to Whitney will set things in motion here. Snap a photo of that and you will notice there are 2 more objectives photo-wise: Proof of Oscorp's robots scouring the sewers and Proof of the Sewer's former inhabitants.

Drop down to the floor and head over to the right, through the opening there. Look to the right to the Wheel Valve. Giving it a spin to open the path forward. However, first head through this chamber via Web Rush to the Red Bar between two waterfalls. The second conspiracy photo is visible from here. Look to the wall to Spider-Man's right. On the second level is a sparking robot. Take a photo of that for proof. With that photo taken you want to return to the Wheel Valve of this area. Spin the wheel, Web Rush the far end of the Red pipe to the left, sequence that into a Web Rush onto the Red Bar to the Right. Now, look below where the Robot is, Web Rush through that to make it into the next segment.

In this L-Corridor head around the bend and to the right. There you will find another ventilation shaft to crawl into. Go on in and enjoy the cover. On the other side you will find the Rat Cross-species again and lose him just as promptly. Web Strike the Infected in front of you. This one requires some use of the Jump-Over strike. Still, throwing one of the dumpsters at his head will stun him long enough to get some webbing on him as well.

With the Infected down, chase after the Cross-species. Be sure to head down the first right-hand turn. There you will find  a collectible magazine. Grab it then continue down the corridor to the left. Pause before you enter the next room. Aim your camera at the Infected that is just poking at the ground just below the exit of the tunnel you are in. This will finish out the trio of pictures needed for the expose. Now, just get a good takedown on this fellow and his friend around the corner. There are still plenty more Infected to worry about soon. Go to the ledge and look down.

Head down to the Red Pipe that is hanging before the waterfalls. Time to really work on the Stealth Takedowns and using Web Retreats. There are no really easy takedowns this time. Focus instead on getting one, fighting a moment then retreating into the shadows. There are 5 total in this area that need to be dealt with. If you are confident in your brawling: Fight. Otherwise, take some time to work from the shadows of the ceiling.

Head on forward after that encounter to the next part of the chamber with 2 horizontal Red Pipes. There are 3 Infected Strikers in this area. Pick off who you can but otherwise, fight, retreat and takedown. Head around the corner to continue on.

Here you will find a choice. Head upwards to collect a magazine in the heights of it or just move forward to continue. Just as you make the next left turn to continue, there is something interesting to take a photo of. Look to the left after you turn the corner on the bottom path. There is a cafe sign and an Oscorp Logo. Pull out the camera, get the viewfinder to turn Green and take a photo of both. This will finish the Conspiracy Photos with Proof of the Sewer's former inhabitants. Now, get to the end of the corridor and watch the Rat run away again!