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The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 12 – The Thrill of the Hunt, Part 3

The Amazing Spider-Man Walkthrough Part 12 – The Thrill of the Hunt, Part 3

Get up on the Red Pipes again and it is Ninja-Mode time … as Spider-Man puts it. The first room has a good 3 Infected Heavies inside it. The room after that has 3 more waiting around for you. Either you can fight them all in their groups or just slip through unnoticed on the ceilings and walls.

Once it is dealt with, head to the end of the hallway and go through the next door. There you have the Rat once again mocking you. He throws a dumpster at your head and runs away to the right. Rush him and give chase. You will find an opening the floor to the right: drop into it. Head down the corridor and you will come face to face with the Rat Cross-species. Time for some action!

The Rat will act something like the Rhino, he loves charging you. Pay attention to the prompt to dodge the incoming attack to avoid the damage. He will also take multiple swipes at you regularly so be sure to start and keep dodging when you see the prompt for multiple dodges.

After plenty of hits, the Rat will get slammed against one of the walls. Just before Spider-Man can get the blood sample he needs, 2 Oscorp robots come and attack him. Use your webbing to disable their force fields then attack them. Defeat the robots then chase the Rat Cross-species up the exit ladder.

The next objective is to follow the rats. Charge out of the park you start on and follow the first street to the right. Look at the ground below and start following the large moving rats. It will eventually turn to the left, about 16 blocks up. You will find the Rat Cross-species again but he will once again duck into the sewers.

Head on forward in the sewers and start diving through the huge hole in front of you. At the bottom it is time to use the webbing again. Spin the web and you will find the next part of the chase happens down the hole in the wall with the remnants of a yellow tag above it and a burning trash can to the right of it.

Head inside and take the ceiling more toward the back of the area you are in. Up there you will find 2 of the Infected fighting one of Oscorps robots. Let them duck it out unless you are determined to end of the fight for the experience or for a few quick stealthily takedowns.

Go into the corridor off to the right from there. Things only get worse from there. There are a lot of robots and Ratmen duking it out in the next few sections of the corridor. It is a lot of hard fighting if you engage them. It is also very possible to slip through along the top of the sewers and avoid the worst of it. Hang onto the ceiling until you have passed the fighting and large pool of toxic waste. Drop down to the bottom of the shaft when you find the room with a single door in it. This will lead you back to the central hub.

Back in the hub, throw up your web again. This time you will find the Rat down tunnel #14. Head through the first barrier and get ready for a fight. On the other side you have 2 Ratmen Stalkers and a Sentry Drone fighting. You are pulled into the fight and need to deal with all of them at once. It is not a hard fight but it can be repeated a few times in this area. Drop down to the lower area. Look around to find the Subway train in the forward portion of this area. Pull it forward then go and investigate the area it was blocking. A magazine is hiding back there.

Once that has been collected, deal with the survivors of the fight that is happening to the right, either the Ratmen or the Robots. Defeat them then follow the trail of rats on forward and into Maintenance Bay 5.