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Metal Gear Rising Revengeance – Weapons Guide: Unlockable Weapons (Collection)

Metal Gear Rising Revengeance – Weapons Guide: Unlockable Weapons (Collection)

Upgrade Cost
    Collection Unlocks

Attribute Upgrade Costs:        Secondary Effect Upgrade Cost
#1: 6,000                                #1: 8,000
#2: 12,000                              #2: 16,000
#3: 16,000                              #3: 20,000
#4: 20,000                              #4: 30,000
#5: 30,000                              #5: 50,000

Stun Blade
Unlock: Collect All Data Storage Items
Cost: 20,000
This is the sword for those who have trouble getting S-Rank because of missed Zandatsu opportunities. Not only does it max out at a 20% stun chance but if you have a full Fuel Cell then Raiden is offered an Execution Chance with it.

Attributes: Default    Lv. 1    Lv. 2    Lv. 3    Lv. 4    Lv. 5
Strength: 0.8             1.0       1.2       1.4       1.8      2.5
Absorption: 0.8         0.9       0.95     1.2        1.3`    1.5
Consumption: 1.0      0.95     0.9       0.8        0.7      0.6
Stun Chance: 2%      6%      8%      10%      15%    20%

Armor Breaker
Unlock: Collect All ID Chips
Cost: 20,000
When you have collected all the ID Chips you will be awarded the ability to purchase this sword. While its overall stats are not exactly top notch it is the Secondary Effect that is very useful. Armor Breaker does exactly that, break through the Armor. This weapon, with the Stun Blade, are vital to Higher Difficulty S-Rank challenges.

Attributes: Default    Lv. 1    Lv. 2    Lv. 3    Lv. 4    Lv. 5
Strength: 0.8             1.0       1.2       1.4      1.8       2.5
Absorption: 0.8         0.9       0.95     1.2       1.3      1.5
Consumption: 1.0      0.95     0.9       0.8       0.7      0.6
Armor Break: 2%     6%      8%      10%     15%    20%

High-Frequency Wooden Sword
Unlock: Find all the Men in Boxes
Cost: 5,000
This is the only sword you will encounter with downgrades. It is also the only blade that cannot slice anything while in Blade Mode or in general. It is more a club. However this “club” instead offers a unique ability to simply make Cyborg and human opponents vanish. This does not count as a kill at all. With its ability fully upgraded any lengthy combo will suffice for this effect. It is great for a securing the No-Kill S-Rank challenges that can be presented to Raiden over the course of the game. It is recommended to do on Easy Mode though.

Attributes: Default    Lv. 1    Lv. 2    Lv. 3    Lv. 4    Lv. 5
Strength: -0.5           -0.8      -1.0      -1.5     -2.0      -3.0
Absorption: 0.3         0.4       0.5       1.0       1.5       2.0   
Consumption: 1.0      0.9       0.8       0.7       0.6       0.5
Vanish: 2%               6%      8%       10%    15%     20%

High-Frequency Machete:
Unlock: Collect 10 Data Storage Items
Cost: 5,000
While it becomes available during the first playthrough, it is not recommended to equip as a primary weapon until the second as there is a title tied to just using the HF Blade. In terms of speed on the Murasama Blade matches but its range is lacking notably. It can only reach about half of what any of the other blades can do. Moving on though, this is a great weapon for quickly building up combos without inflicting lethal damage. By taking advantage of its high speed and low Strength (the one case it is suggested to neglect upgrading), it makes it a lot easier to get absurd combos without killing your opponent.

Attributes: Default    Lv. 1    Lv. 2    Lv. 3    Lv. 4    Lv. 5
Strength: 0.5             0.8       1.0       1.4       1.8       2.5
Absorption: 1.0         1.1       1.2       1.6       1.8       2.0
Consumption: 1.0      0.9       0.8       0.7       0.6       0.5