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Crysis 3 Weapons Guide: Heavy Weaponry

Crysis 3 Weapons Guide: Heavy Weaponry

Heavy Weaponry

These are the various weapons that can be found through the game of Crysis 3. Each is rated on a 10 point scale in terms of accuracy, rate of fire, mobility, damage, range and stability. All the catagories are very easy to understand. Look at what each weapon offers and think about what it can do for you in the given situation.

Heavy Weapons possess the raw power and bullet clips to down just about anything that gets in their way. Even the heaviest armored Ceph will yield to the hail of bullets these can spit out in the hands of Prophet. The problem with these weapons is that Prophet cannot change to any other weapon while one of these is held. He must first drop it to get access to his regular weaponry again or pick anything up. This makes it ideal to simply use the gun where you find it and ditch you as you leave the immediate area.

.50 HMG
Accuracy: 5
Rate of Fire: 6
Mobility: 1
Damage: 8
Range: 5
Stability: 5
Clip: 150 Rounds
These guns can punch through armor like few things making them ideal for use against Ceph troops. While the gun will slow you down when carrying it at least it will ensure whatever was in front of you is little more than mincemeat before the clip empties.

Accuracy: 5
Rate of Fire: 4
Mobility: 1
Damage: 9
Range: 4
Stability: 5
Clip: 60
This high explosive grenade launcher reminds us that close only counts with horseshoes and hand grenades. These things are great to get a lot more range out of the grenades on hand or in the clip. While it is great when there is range between Prophet and the target, it has can do a lot of damage to you as well if it is fired in close range. Armor mode is great to negate the damage from this but it is hardly recommended. Just use the blast radius to take care of enemies that are sheltering behind cover and it will be a picnic while Prophet is using this weapon.

Reaper Cannon
Accuracy: 2
Rate of Fire: 4
Mobility: 1
Damage: 4
Range: 6
Stability: 5
Clip: Battery
These can be found on Devastators and can be stolen from them as they are dying. While the stats might not seem much this gun, in mid to close range, will demolish whatever is in front of you. Its primary fire mode is that of a chain gun while the secondary fire mode is a shotgun burst. If you can get  surrounded packing one of these and have access to a Ceph battery, then everything is taken care of. Just use Armor Mode to ignore the damage then mince everything else with the Reaper Cannon!

X-Pac Mortar
Accuracy: 2
Rate of Fire: 4
Mobility: 1
Damage: 4
Range: 6
Stability: 5
Clip: 40
This weapon works with 5 round burst in its primary fire mode. In the secondary mode it offers more precision and range. Just switch between the two as needed. The secondary is great for stealth mode kills while the Primary is better for just laying waste to things. Once again, this is a great gun when you find Prophet surrounded and have access to it. It is a great way to quickly clear the room. Always exhaust it in the room that you find it in. It is far too much trouble as a heavy weapon to bring to the next combat location. Once again, using a Ceph battery with this will give it temporary infinite ammo. This is a devastating thing to your foes.