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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 44 – Jarvia's Hideout, Part 2

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 44 – Jarvia's Hideout, Part 2

When you reach the next door to the South, turn to the East and head toward it. There are a good 8 Carta thugs waiting on the other side of the door for you. It is also the way forward but there is one more area that needs some looking into.

Head back to the corridor and turn South once more. You will find another door with a good 7 Carta thugs on the other side of it. Loot the bodies then it is time to turn your attention to the rest of the room. To the right you will find a Weapon stand and Armor stand available to you. After that, go to the left to find an easy locked chest. It has a little more loot for you. Now head back up to the previous room and start going to the South through it.

Be careful after you round the corner. You will spot some barrels up ahead. There is a tripwire there that will spring a firetrap on you if you are not careful about it. After that you will find another set of barrels. Look into the last 2 on the right to find that they have some loot inside them. Continue on to the North after that through the door.

On the other side of the door you will find a T-intersection. Take a moment to go to the West here into the room beyond the next door. There are 5 more Carta Thugs on the other side waiting to get killed. Be warned though that the other side of the door has a tripwire. Disable the trap and it is easy work to get to the Carta Members beyond it. Once they are all dead, find the corpse of the Carta Jailor. He has a key on him that you need to free the one prisoner here: Leske. Talking with him reveals that he has no love for Jarvia and just wants to get free. It is your choice whether or not to let him loose.

Head on out and over to the East now. Follow the path as it turns to the North. Get into the next room and go over to the stairs going West. There you will find 3 Carta Assassins waiting in ambush for you. Tear into them with gusto. Once they are down, head over to the East. You will find 3 barrel with some loot in them. One is just inside the small area to the East. The other is on the opposite side of the first. The third is in the back left with a sword inside it. Just head to the West from there to get to the next part of the room. Here you will find 7 more enemies to deal with. First, keep high and collect the loot from the 2 barrels there. Now turn to the South and engage the Qunari Mercenary there along with other Carta Thugs and Assassins. After that, in the Western Room, root around for loot. There is a barrel, crate and Jammer's Common Box. The proper item to grab from here is the Iron Letter Opener.

With them all dead, head to the North. You will find another large room soon enough with plenty more Carta Thugs to beat down. Among their number you will find an Elven Mercenary as well. In the top right portion of this room you will find the last of the Common Box's for “Jammer's Stash”: Pique's Common Box. Here you want to take Garnet Trinket. With that resolved outside of claiming the reward, head over to the East.

In the next hallway there are 2 offshoot corridors to the North and South. Going to the North you will find 7 more Carta members coming after you. After that you have quite a few things to loot. A Wooden crate and and Crate to the West. To the north a Wooden Crate and to the East you will find a Wooden Crate and Jammer's Stashbox. Interact with the Stashbox to get the gold and Longrunner's Cap from within. Head back to the main corridor and go through the Southern door, which is locked but only takes at most 2 Ranks, you will find a chest guarded by 4 Giant Spiders. It is locked chest of the same difficulty.

With all that done, head down the corridor to the East and through the metal door. On the other side is Jarvia and guard. She will vanish as soon as the fight starts. With that you are mobbed by the Carta Thugs and Assassins who are in there with her. There are 5 of them total. Once they are all dead then Jarvia will emerge from hiding and attack you. She uses 2 one-handed axes and is a fair hand with them. Still, it is 4 on 1 so the odds are against her.

When she has lost a quarter of her life she will vanish again. This will summon more of her guard to attack you. This time there are 3 of them. Now just pound her to death. She will not summon more guards to aid further. Loot her body for some good stuff.

This is the point where if you want to change who you are backing you can do it. With Jarvia dead either look for her personal belongings to plant the evidence to frame Lord Harrowmont or find the chest in the back of the room that you can find the evidence that will condemn Prince Bhelen.

Head to the Southeastern door to find a small room with 2 locked chest that have some goods in them. One of them contains one of the Love Letters for one of the side quests. After that, turn to the North and head through the door there using the Carta Key. Head on up the slope to get into the Carta Shop. You will appear in Janar's Armorer. He is very surprised that you just came out of his wall and none too happy about it.