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. Plays, 4th October 2014

Tom Orry, Editorial Director - Silent Hill, PSOne

silent hill psone -

Having moved house last weekend, my TV is still in its box so I turned to my Vita. I'm not sure how, but the original PSOne Silent Hill was in my download list, so thought I'd give it a whirl. It's a hard game to play these days, but the atmosphere is still there if you can overlook the PSOne era awkward cutscenes that feature stilted dialogue. I'm not sure I'll be going back to it, but it was fun to relive the opening hour or so.

Dave Scammell, News Editor – DriveClub, PlayStation 4

DriveClub screenshot

Corr, what a beaut! But does it play as good as it looks? Well… yes, I told you as much a few months back. But with Forza Horizon 2 having raced onto the scene since, does DriveClub still have what it takes to be in the running for the year's best racer? Come back early next week for my final verdict.

Steve Burns, Deputy Editor – Alien: Isolation, PS4

Alien: Isolation screenshot

I'm far too important to be writing this. I've been playing Alien: Isolation. It's great. Even my dog loves it, and he's awesome. Seeyahh!

@thebratterz, Video Producer - Civilization: Beyond Earth, PC

Civilization: Beyond Earth screenshot

I've been playing another game about running away from a superior alien force this week and it's called 'trying to understand the early game of Civilization: Beyond Earth'. Unlike Alien: Isolation ‒ which only involves a single alien and sounds rather straightforward if you ask me ‒ I've been dealing with an entire PLANET of creatures that might not like humans very much.

From the moment the game kicks off, they begin reacting to both the actions of the player and the AI-controlled nations, with their hostility changing as a result. It's a big complicated system to try and work around and it's entirely possible to see your own population take serious losses because some other prick has been destroying alien nests. I've been messing around with this preview build for something like 15 hours now and I've got no idea how to get around that problem unscathed.

Uncalled for attack on Burns!

Oh, you've been chased around a space station by an alien, have you Steve? Sounds real terrifying. Try defending a brand new civilization from a group of irritated siege worms. Then maybe we can talk about scary-looking aliens. YOU ****!