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FFXIV Patch 3.1 Guide: Unlock Void Ark and the Quick Boss Guide

On the earlier time, Safewow has introduced the release of Final Fantasy XIV v3.1 “As Goes Light, So Goes Darkness”. Along with some new trails quests, a new 24-player raid dungeon, Void Ark has been also added, allowing players earn some loot each week to enhance equipment. If you haven’t got a strategy to enter this quest, learned about tips to unlock Void Ark and check out the details about bosses in this dungeon.

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How to Unlock Void Ark in FFXIV update 3.1?

For the first understanding, the Void Ark is a level 60 raid released in ffxiv update 3.1, and the first 24-player raid of Heavensward expansion which can drop iLevel 200 gear, and an Item you can trade in for Illuminati Gobcoat and Illuminati Gobtwine. To unlock this raid, you will need to do the quest chain Sky Pirates, which can be found in the Pillars (14,10) NPC: Unquiet Trader (Nearest Aethernet would be Athenaeum Astrologicum). Its only pre-requisite is beating the main story quest (Heavensward).

What bosses can you encounter in ffxiv Void Ark?

1. Stingray (Cetus):It’s a mini DPS check. Cetus will have a line AoE that created by randomly drop bubbles. Cetus will spawn adds during the fight, take them down. It will also land at a certain place, wherein the safe spot is right around him, so don’t be too far from him, but just walking towards him. When the adds are up, Cetus will fly across the map and drop large AoE bubbles that deal massive damage, and fly into the middle when the fight is come to an end, stunning everyone and pulling half the raid party into the middle. It will create an impassable wall and spawn four adds. People inside can’t help people outside and vice versa, so destroy all the adds, otherwise, they will KO.

2. Dog and Pole (Sawtooth & Irminsul): it is important to note that each of these guys has a buff that determines whether you should attack it or not. They will create grey bubbling AoE that spawns randomly, and also spawns wherever adds die. Kill the adds before they are consumed, or the boss will get points. While the damage isn’t really noteworthy – if it reaches the max amount, the boss goes into enrage mode that will probably wipe the party. Besides, they can tether a bunch of people together, making them unable to perform actions,. Breaking these chains is easy – simply “cut” it by running through them!

3. Tentacle Fat (Cuchulainn): This boss has multiple mechanics for his fight. Firstly, everyone will have a raid-wide bleed, which increases in power the longer the fight goes. Healers don’t be afraid to use AoE healing! You can and will wipe if DPS is really slow. Secondly, hwill also throw out a large poison circle aoe, try to avoid this vomit, this skill is DEADLY. There’s no floor effect so be careful! It can and will kill you after only a few short seconds inside. Thirdly, the tentacles will be raised up! Go in between two tentacles so you avoid corruption damage.

4. Mantis Melusine (Echidna): This is a very straightforward fight. She will cast a circle aoe around her called “Abyssal Sickle”, then jump on the air to target a random raid member with a large grey AOE circle with arrows. You must group up onto the targeted member so you can reduce the damage you will take. Besides, she will create a room wide petrifying aoe, face away from her to avoid this. She will jump into the air and creates multiple large circle that gives VUL UP to all people afflicted. (Skillname unsure) It’s the only worrisome mechanic here really.

Goodluck with Void Ark. While the gear is largely overshadowed by Diadem, these can be great for glamors! For more awesome FFXIV updates, stay tuned on Safewow, where is the best place to buy ff14 gil and get ffxiv hot news.

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