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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 44 – A Paragon of Her Kind, Part 3

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 44 – A Paragon of Her Kind, Part 3

A Prince's Favor: The Third Task
You will find Prince Bhelen inside the Royal Palace inside the Diamond District. He opens with how word is traveling around town someone wiped out the Carta like Genlocks. He will then tell you he needs to do something that will permanently end the debate in the Council between him and Harrowmont. He asks what you know of the Paragon Branka. He explains that he is a girl of the Smith Caste who invested a smokeless coal. He tells you that her vote simply outweighs that of the Councils. Her endorsement means that he takes the throne for certain. He explains that he took her entire house for protection. Bhelen will tell you the Harrowmont is looking as well. He wants you to charm her to his side or make sure that she does not return.

A Lord's Favor: The Third Task
Harrowmont will be grateful for your support. He will ask if you know much about the Paragon Branka. You can respond any number of ways. Harrowmont will tell you she went into the Deep Roads 2 years ago and has yet to return. If she were to return and give her support to either candidate the assembly would be honor-bound to accept her wishes. Harrowmont will also tell you that if you bring back her body it will show her spirit guided his hand to her. Either way it counts as a win for him and gains him the kind of support needed to win over the council.

After the conversation, both point to Caridin's Cross. Their men traced her to that point but could not get any more information on the matter. It is time to head for the Deep Roads and seek out the Cross and begin the search for the first Paragon in 4 generations. This will also start a second quest, “Anvil of the Void”. Be sure to take some time to clear inventory and stock up. This is going to be a long quest and it will take a good while to get through.

Before you move forward completely be sure to head into Tapster's. In the back right of the tavern you will find another potential member of your party: Oghren. Talk with him some and express an earnest interest in helping Branka. No matter how good you are he eventually tells you to “sod off”.

As you approach the path to the Deep Roads Oghren will approach you and tell you that he wants to join up with the Expedition to find and rescue Branka. He tells you he knows more than the scouts did. He will reveal that Branka was looking for the Anvil of the Void: the key to forging Golems. You can ask why he cares so much about her or just have him join into the crew. While he can be interacted with inside the Deep Roads he will not talk in the Party's Camp until “A Paragon of her Kind” has been complete.