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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 53 – Anvil of the Void, Part 6

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 53 – Anvil of the Void, Part 6

When you arrive you see the Archdemon directly for the first time. It is calling its legions forward through the Deep Roads. This makes the Dead Trenches that much more scary to be walking into. Still, there is potentially a paragon waiting in them and who knows what else.

Start by going to the South. You will find a squadron of Dwarves fighting Darkspawn. Go and join the fight. There are plenty of Darkspawn but with the help of the Dwarves it will not be long to get through the 3 waves of Darkspawn. Before talking to the leader, Kardol, investigate the statue behind him. It gives the codex entry, “The History of Orzammar, Part 2”.

Kardol tells you that the Legion of the Dead is here simply to fight the Darkspawn. After introductions you can ask directly after Paragon Branka or tell him who you are working for and why you are here: that choice is yours. Get what information you can out of him and head over to the West. As you cross the bridge you will encounter 3 Genlocks with 2 Hurlocks. More will follow as you cross the bridge, about equal in terms of both Genlocks and Hurlocks will be coming at you. Toward the end a squad of 6 will come at you: 2 Hurlocks and 4 Genlocks.

When you make it off the bridge the fighting does not get any easier. 2 lines of 4 Genlocks appear on both sides of you and an Ogre bears down as well. The Genlocks are switch to bows and start pelting the party with arrows while the Ogre rips into them in melee.

Once the fight is over turn to the South and look for a Runestone. It will have the codex entry, “Stalata Negat”. Now head back to the foot of the bridge Kandol will be there and give you some credit for getting through to the other side of the bridge. Head to the South to find a Fractured Stone with 2 Fire Shards inside and a Broken Crate with Fire Arrows inside it.

Head to the North after that to find a second Fractured Stone with 2 more Fire Arrows. Head to the East after that. You then pass through a tunnel. In the final turn of the tunnel you will find a Fractured Stone with a Fire Crystal underneath. Before you can claim it though 5 Darkspawn attack: 2 Hurlocks and 3 Genlock Archers. Turn to the South when you exit the tunnel. There are 6 more Darkspawn in this room. 1 Bronto, 2 Hurlocks and 3 Genlocks. After that fight turn to the North and go through the Metal Door there. You find 4 more Genlocks and a Shriek waiting for you. There is also a Runestone that updates the “Stalata Negat” codex entry. Time for some looting. The Sarcophagus in the Northeastern part of the room gives a Dwarven Mace, the one in the Southeast gives Duster Leather Armor. In the Northwest you get a Leather Helm and The Boots of the Legion. This gives the codex entry, “The Dead Caste”. In the Southwestern portion you will find a Novice Hale Rune.

Head out of the room and start to the South now. Turn into the first door to the East after that. Inside you will find 6 Darkspawn: 5 Genlocks (one of them an Emissary) and 1 Hurlock. Head to the Western portion of the room to get another update for the “Shaper's Life” codex entry. Above that, in the Northwestern portion you find a sarcophagus with a Silver Chalice inside it. Opposite it you find 85 silver 34 bits. To the South of that you find a locked chest with Fire Arrows inside it. In the Eastern portion of the room to the South the Sarcophagus contains a “Duster Leather Armor”. The 2 to the North contain some Duster Leather Boots and a Dagger. Head on out of this room and turn to the South, going through the next metal door.