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Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 52 – Anvil of the Void, Part 5

Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough Part 52 – Anvil of the Void, Part 5

Crossing either bridge is the simple part. Once you are on the other side is when the Spirits and Golems get back into the equation. Crossing the Southern Bridge leads you right into a Stone Golem, and 2 spirits supporting it from behind. It is the same on the Northern Bridge. Between the 2 bridges you will find 3 more Spirits waiting. Across from the end of the Southern bridge you can find a broken chest with Duster Leather Boots inside it. Northwest from the Northern bridge, you will find an Easy locked chest with Fire Arrows inside it. Just a little North of that you can find a Fractured Stone with some Spirit Shards inside it. With all the loot collected go between the 2 bridges to find the passage forward.

As you head down this tunnel you will catch glimpses of a spider running ahead of you. It will reveal itself to have a friend but they both vanish and do not immediately ambush you. Actually, the next time you see a spider, it too runs from you. You will come across a chest with an Easy lock on it that has some Dwarven Armor inside it. Keep going to the Northeast after that.

On the other side of this bridge you will run into 4 Corrupted Spiders. They are stronger and hardier than what you can encountered before. Behind the spiders is a Genlock Emissary who will be throwing spells at you. Heading around to the North and east will lead you through right to the Corrupted Spider Queen.

Heading over to the right you will find 2 more Corrupted Spiders that will attack you. Going farther East will lead to another pair of Corrupted Spiders with a Genlock Emissary. As you turn to the North toward the marked Journal you will find the big bad of the area: The Corrupted Spider Queen.

The Corrupted Spider Queen
The Queen is a lot smarter than the rest of her brood. She comes in and unleashes a barrage of webbing. This makes her a lot harder to hit as well as she is only vulnerable for a short while each time. Every so often she will summon more Corrupted Spiders to fight you. By keeping mobile she draws the fight out but also gives her spiders a chance to come down and start attacking the party. A lot of poison spitting and webbing later you will be victorious.

Head to the northern part of the chamber you see the marker for Branka's journal. It has a pair of Easy locked chest around it. One has a Metal Kite Shield and other has a Dwarven Waraxe inside it. Now look into the journal. Branka had found evidence that the Anvil of the Void was not made in Ortan Thaig but in the Dead Trenches.