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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXXVI: Demon Hunter Elective Build Two- Rocketacular

Mouse Skills:
Grenades (Tinkerer)
Rapid Fire (Fire Support)
Hotbar Skills:
Strafe (Rocket Storm)
Multishot (Arsenal)
Cluster Arrow (Shooting Stars)
Sentry (Spitfire Turret)
Passive Skills:

There are two reasons for Grenades being in this build- the primary reason is that you’re going to be eating a lot of Hatred with this build for the sake of generating rockets.  This requires a strong Hatred-generating skill, and the only skill that compares with Grenades is Entangling Shot, which also has a 6-Hatred rune.  This brings up the second reason- with Cluster Arrow on tap for more rockets, Grenades then lets you lean on Grenadier for even more Hatred (and thus more rockets) and the cost reduction on Cluster Arrow.

The other five skills in the build all generate rockets.  Sentry is very easy to keep active at all times, being the only skill in the build with a Discipline cost, and while the rockets it produces are the weakest you’ve got, the real point is that it’s a fire-and-forget skill that continues to fire no matter what you’re doing.  Strafe and Rapid Fire are your skills for steadily bleeding out your Hatred pool- Rapid Fire is for when an enemy is held in place for whatever reason (usually an ally) so you can sit there and stream damage, while Strafe is for situations where you’re mostly surrounded and need to keep moving to avoid getting dogpiled in melee.  Multishot and Cluster Arrow are both situational- when you have a wedge of enemies, Multishot will take them out very conveniently, making it a must when you edge into a new area and find a mass of mobs waiting.  Cluster Arrow is best used for distant groups that don’t trail towards you, as the area damage it produces is stronger, but more limited in scope.

Ballistics goes along with Grenadier as a ‘well duh’ passive skill option, kicking your damage up even further.  Vengeance helps Grenadier and Tinkerer in improving your Hatred so that you can handle launching all the high-cost rocket skills you’ve got.

This form of Demon Hunter plays a bit strangely- with no defensive skills or battlefield manipulation to speak of, it plays in a manner akin to a Witch Doctor or long-range Wizard, though it’s more durable thanks to the class’ dependence on Dexterity, which boosts your dodge chance.  Because of this, you need to be very careful about your positioning and where you’re letting enemies get to in relation to you- there’s only so much Strafe can do to free you from a dangerous clinch when you’re surrounded.  If you have a melee ally, that will work strongly in your favor, as will having an ally who messes with the mobility of your enemies- many other Demon Hunters are good for that, though some Barbarians and Monks and certain forms of Wizard and Witch doctor can do in a pinch.