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Diablo III- Skills Article CLXXVII: Demon Hunter Elective Build Three- Zoning Board

Mouse Skills:
Grenades (Gas Grenades)
Caltrops (Carved Stakes)
Hotbar Skills:
Spike Trap (Bandoleer)
Rain of Vengeance (Flying Strike)
Marked for Death (Valley of Death)
Sentry (Guardian Turret)
Passive Skills:
Numbing Traps
Custom Engineering

Grenades and Caltrops are your two main actions here- wandering around lets you lay down a well-designed (or even adequately-designed) field of hampering effects with Caltrops, and the Gas Grenades punish your targets all the more for getting slowed down by the footspikes.  Because of Gas Grenades’ area damage over time, it works well with any sort of slowing, immobilizing, or stunning effect- which makes it perfectly suited to a build like this.

While Caltrops holds things in place, Spike Trap provides areas of damage- and using it with Bandoleer means having even more traps out at once.  This can get a bit hard on the Hatred pool, which is why there are no other skills in the build that consume Hatred.  Sentry should be dropped before each battle, and essentially designates where you’re putting a ‘safe zone’ for yourself and any allies to use.  If you’re completely alone, use the Spitfire Turret rune instead to increase your damage, but even having one ally makes Guardian Turret a better choice.  Marked for Death is for laying onto or right in front of any particularly nasty enemies, making it easier to kill them and anything that gets in the way of killing them.  Finally, Rain of Vengeance is in place for the occasional stun- especially on targets in the Valley of Death, who you can then drop Gas Grenades on for considerable ongiong damage.

The Passive skills here really shine- Custom Engineering boosts the duration of everything but Grenades and Rain of Vengeance, allowing you to not only have even more Caltrops fields in play at once, but ensuring that your Spike Traps last until the enemy stumbles into them and extending the powerful effect of Marked for Death to ensure that what you need dead, gets dead.  Numbing Traps works with both Caltrops and Spike Trap to cut incoming danger, making the zones all that much more of a debilitating effect on enemies, and Vengeance provides you with yet more Hatred to power your Spike Trap skill- which consumes a total of 180 Hatred for the full set of six traps.  Not a small cost by any means, and with only that consuming Hatred, you should be trying to leave behind a cluster of them every time enemies get too close and force you to move.

This build is at its optimum power alongside other ranged fighters, though melee combatants certainly won’t complain about their enemies being crippled.