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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 14 – Tears of the Mountain, Part 3

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 14 – Tears of the Mountain, Part 3

Head South to get started. As you go through the first hallway expect to be attacked by a few swarms of Stingers. When you reach the first door Death will be attacked by a pair of Prowlers. Tear through them and turn to the West after that. You will find a post that Death can use to scale higher. Start on upwards. Head left at the top along the planks and wall run as needed. When you reach the end of the second plank have Death drop down.

On this platform you will find a Shadow Bomb. Grab it, aim at the Orb on the opposite end of the room as you and through it straight at the orb's base. After that, pull out Redemption and shoot the Shadow Bomb to explode it and release the orb you need to move forward. Drop down to the floor below and start rolling the Orb. Roll it into the ball socket in front of the door to power it up. Turn to the South and open the door to move on forward.

Inside this next room you will find a few chests and a few things to do here. Head West from there now until you find the first major break in the siding of the walkway. Drop down and catch onto the wooden plank there. Start going over to the East to collect another page from the Book of the Dead. Drop down to the bottom level after that. Start over to the Western side and head up. Climb the posts and planks to reach the stone walkway once more. Head up along it and find the same break. Drop down carefully to the West so you avoid landing on the same level of the next item you want to collect, the Boatman's Coin, if possible. Otherwise drop down and collect the Coin then once again go to the bottom level and scale out along the Western Wall.

Head to the East to get started here. Go past the door and Wall run up to the planks there. Keep moving along them to the right and drop down when you reach the end of them. Death will be attacked by 3 Prowlers that need to be dealt with quickly. After that turn and look to the South to find a Stonebite. Collect it with Redemption. Return along the same path you came in, climbing and Wall Running because on the Eastern side you will find a chest you can claim and the Door onwards is in the Eastern Wall.

Once inside this room, look for a break in the wall to the right. There you will find a chest to the East. Open it up to claim some goods. Now head back out and over to the East. At the top of the stairs you will encounter another Swarm of Stingers. Beat them down then turn to the North and East a little. Across the way you will spy a chest that you can get to. Leap across to it and claim it. Now drop into the aqueduct below you and head just a little to the East. You will notice a wooden plank Death can use to return to the previous part. Climb up it and head over to the East. Look for the first chance to go South and take it. Take this corridor through to the Southern Door and go though.