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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 13 – Tears of the Mountain, Part 2

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 13 – Tears of the Mountain, Part 2

Head to the South from Blackroot. Take some time to fight the Stalkers and Prowlers that are nearby. You can fight from Horseback on Despair and scythe away at them and supplement it with shots from Redemption. It is a good way to build a little experience and collect some loot as well.

Continue along the path until you find a lake on your right. Turn toward it and dive in. Head to the sunken bridge to the right and dive deep. There is only one thing inside the watery depths of this lake and it is a Boatman's Coin. Collect it and surface. If you do not have Teleport Slash, head for shore and just turn to the South.

This next part requires Teleport Slash:
Head to the base of the bridge you were just under and follow it along until you can see the chest. There are some Prowlers here that will move into range at try to attack Death. Use Teleport Slash on one of the Prowlers to get across the gap and lay into them. Death will also be able to claim the chest there. After that, shoot the one Shadow bomb at the base of the Corruption Crystals to shatter them and clear a drop into the water below. It will also clear a path you can use to quickly get back up here.

Heading South you can find 2 interesting points at far end of the lake here. To the East you can find one of Vulgrim's shops Be sure to climb up the wooden planks behind Vulgrim's shop to find a chest in the upper reaches of the hallway. To the West you can find a new sidequest, “The Silent Stone”. The side quest cannot be completed now but it is good to collect it for later on.

Head to the North a bit. Turn to the East when you reach the building that has an open side into this lake. Along the Southern side you can find a wooden plank that Death can run up to. Circle around to the Northern side to find a chest. That is everything you can get for now so head back into the Water and return to the shore of the Fjord. Hop onto Despair and go to the East. Defeat the Prowlers and Stalkers along the way for good experience and some loot.

Eventually you will find a trail that weaves up a mountainside. At the top a keep rests for Death to explore some. To the left and right are stairs that lead to some pressure plates. They must be activated together so Death will be coming back here at a later time. For now though collect the 2 chests that are behind each of the stairs. Now turn around and look above the door you entered through. You will find a Stone of Power. Shoot it with Redemption to collect it. Now turn to the West and head into the little nook there. Just inside to the right you will find another Boatman's Coin.

Head back down the trail and go through the Southeastern passage there. After the first rise in this trail, take a sharp left. Move over to the ledge and look over it. In mid-air you will find another of the Boatman's coins to collect. Grab it then restart the lower trail to the East. It will lead Death onto the Drenchfort. As Death comes to the first turn in the Cave, look up, you will be hearing the keening sound of a Stonebit. It is at the Southeastern edge of the first turn inside the cave. Just shoot it with Redemption to collect it.

As Death arrives he will be attacked by a swarm of Stingers. Take them out quickly and head into the Drenchfort to begin the second dungeon.

Head to the South from Blackroot. Take some time to fight the Stalkers and Prowlers that are nearby. You can fight from Horseback on Despair and scythe away at them and supplement it with shots from Redemption. It is a good way to build a little experience and collect some loot as well.

Continue along the path until you find a lake on your right. Turn toward it and dive in. Head to the sunken bridge to the right and dive deep. There is only one thing inside the watery depths of this lake and it is a Boatman's Coin. Collect it and surface. If you do not have Teleport Slash, head for shore and just turn to the South.

This next part requires Teleport Slash:
Head to the base of the bridge you were just under and follow it along until you can see the chest. There are some Prowlers here that will move into range at try to attack Death. Use Teleport Slash on one of the Prowlers to get across the gap and lay into them. Death will also be able to claim the chest there. After that, shoot the one Shadow bomb at the base of the Corruption Crystals to shatter them and clear a drop into the water below. It will also clear a path you can use to quickly get back up here.

Heading South you can find 2 interesting points at far end of the lake here. To the East you can find one of Vulgrim's shops Be sure to climb up the wooden planks behind Vulgrim's shop to find a chest in the upper reaches of the hallway. To the West you can find a new sidequest, “The Silent Stone”. The side quest cannot be completed now but it is good to collect it for later on.

Head to the North a bit. Turn to the East when you reach the building that has an open side into this lake. Along the Southern side you can find a wooden plank that Death can run up to. Circle around to the Northern side to find a chest. That is everything you can get for now so head back into the Water and return to the shore of the Fjord. Hop onto Despair and go to the East. Defeat the Prowlers and Stalkers along the way for good experience and some loot.

Eventually you will find a trail that weaves up a mountainside. At the top a keep rests for Death to explore some. To the left and right are stairs that lead to some pressure plates. They must be activated together so Death will be coming back here at a later time. For now though collect the 2 chests that are behind each of the stairs. Now turn around and look above the door you entered through. You will find a Stone of Power. Shoot it with Redemption to collect it. Now turn to the West and head into the little nook there. Just inside to the right you will find another Boatman's Coin.

Head back down the trail and go through the Southeastern passage there. After the first rise in this trail, take a sharp left. Move over to the ledge and look over it. In mid-air you will find another of the Boatman's coins to collect. Grab it then restart the lower trail to the East. It will lead Death onto the Drenchfort. As Death comes to the first turn in the Cave, look up, you will be hearing the keening sound of a Stonebit. It is at the Southeastern edge of the first turn inside the cave. Just shoot it with Redemption to collect it.

As Death arrives he will be attacked by a swarm of Stingers. Take them out quickly and head into the Drenchfort to begin the second dungeon.