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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 12 – Tears of the Mountain, Part 1

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 12 – Tears of the Mountain, Part 1

Turn in what quests you can and talk with Alya again. She will tell you that they need both the Fire and the Tears of the Mountain to power the forge properly. This means it back to the Stonefather's Vale but this time you want to head to the West. Karn will be waiting for Death outside the sealed road. The Blue option is for the DLC pack “Death Rides”, Lord and Found Part 2. After that, ask about the Tears and “Shouldn't you be exploring” which leads to “Ulthane”. Enjoy the conversation then pull out Redemption, aim and blast away the Shadow bombs on the sealed road. It will clear the path forward for Death and Despair. If you did not grab the Boatman's Coin that is to the left of this seal earlier, now is a good time to do just that.

The Shadow Gorge
Head into the dark passage in front of you. Just keep going forward until you find a massive glowing hive to your left. Stop and turn Despair toward that. It is a Stinger hive. Tear through the Stinger to reach the hive and destroy it. In this process you will collect the Mordant Dew needed for “A Shaman's Craft”. After that fight, turn to the North before continuing to the West.

You will find the ruins of the castle, “The Shattered Forge”. This is an optional area for a later time. For now, drop down into the water below. Head underneath the Northern part of the collapsed bridge to find a Boatman's Coin. Turn back to the South and climb up the wall with the plank's aid. Just keep going to the South until you are on the main path again.

Once back on the main path, head to the West until you notice some Corruption Crystals and a gate in front of you. Turn to the South, facing the Corruption and aim at the Shadowbomb that is nested at the top of the Corruption. Blast it to reveal a post that Death can use to launch himself upwards. At the top, run along the Southern Wall here to collect another Boatman's Coin.

Head into the keep to the North. Here you will encounter a Swarm of Stingers and some Savage Prowlers. It is nothing too bad to tear through Savage Prowlers but be wary as they are fast and vicious. Head North after the fight into the next room. Turn to the East as you enter the room to claim another of the Boatman's Coins. Head Southeast after you drop from the tower to find the lever to raise the gate that barred your way forward. You can now head South into the Fjord.

Continue South until you find a cliff face to the West. You will notice a raise to ride up on, do so to find Blackroot. Talking with it the first time will yield the side quest, “Sticks and Stones”, a collection quest to gather up Enchantment Stones that Blackroot needs to survive. The first is very easy to find. Look to the left of Blackroot, you will notice a blue light above you. Just aim at it and hit it with a bullet from Redemption. The Stone will be drawn to you after that. Summon Despair and turn around. You will notice a Floating Boatman's Coin. It can only be grabbed by jumping toward it with Despair as Death needs the extra height. Collect it and continue to the South.