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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 15 – Tears of the Mountain, Part 4

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 15 – Tears of the Mountain, Part 4

On the other side of the door you will be going into a bit trickier than it looks. While there is a chest waiting for you, it is not something Death can just grab immediately. As he approaches it is when the enemies start appearing. The first round is simple, just a swarm of Stingers. After that you have a few groups of Prowlers to tear through as well. The big concern comes after them, an Earth Crag will make its appearance and come charging at Death. The Earth Crag is a different sort of foe. It is a lot harder to take on than what you have been facing so far.

It is important that you focus on your dodging as much as possible. These must be attacked after they have launched their attacks. At this point you need to attack it viciously. Once you see it jump or rally itself is when you need to dodge away immediately. If you have not used your Reaper energy, this is a good way to just quickly get through the fight and win. After the fight head over to the and claim its contents. Head over to the Southwestern corner to find the Journeyman helm for “Lost and Found 2” for Karn (if you have the DLC). After that, just head on out to the North and finally go through that Eastern Door that has been ignored for a while back in the aqueduct room.

Follow the path through to the South. Just as Death starts down them to the South he will be attacked by a few Savage Prowlers. Just head on forward and over to the East to make it into the next room.

Turn to the North after entering the room and look for the planks on the wall. Have Death run up them to claim another of the Boatman's coins. Continue East after that along the narrow path to the East to find a chest. Claim its contents, the Dungeon Map, then drop down. Head over to the Southwestern corner and climb up the wooden planks there. Hug the right-hand wall and get ready to move forward. This time Death needs to Wall Run then jump onto the adjacent wall to continue the run. It is a lot easier than it sounds. Just keep the sequence going until you reach the Blue Orb. Once there push the orb down onto the floor below. Head opposite the orb and dive into the pool that is behind you. Go down and then surface in the small cave at the other end of the pool. You will find a chest that you can loot for some good items. After that, dive back into the water and surface in the Southwestern corner. You will find a Wall Run point you can use. Get to the top then head over to the Blue Orb. Roll it into the ball socket to trigger half of the reaction you need.

Turn to the North and look to Dust. He is waiting by a raised gate there. Just to the left of it you will notice some wooden planks you can scale up easily. First, get under the Northern arches in this area. Around the middle you will find a chest you can claim some loot from. After that turn to the Southeastern wall. Climb up it using the wooden planks to find a Shadow Bomb Growth. Grab one, turn around and throw it onto the ledge just to the right and shoot it. This will blast away the Corruption Crystals from there. Now grab a second, drop to the floor and head over to the West. You will see the Corruption Crystals around the second Blue Orb. Throw and shoot the second Shadow Bomb to free the Orb. Take the time to roll the Orb over to the Gate in the South. Return to the Growth and collect a third Shadow Bomb. Plant it on the Orb and head for the platform in the center of this room. Along the Eastern facing you will find a plank Death can use to get on top of it. There he will find a pressure plate he must stand on to lower the Southern Gate. Once Death is on that plate then it is a simple matter of shooting the Shadow Bomb to blast the Orb into the Southern part of the room. With that done, have Death climb the planks ahead to the right (at the Southwestern edge) to catch up to the Orb. Roll the Orb into the nearby Ball Socket and the gate to the East will open and let Death get to the next door going that way.