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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 27 – To Move a Mountain, Part 6

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 27 – To Move a Mountain, Part 6

With the chain in place start for the other side of the room on it. Move to the mid-point of the chain and leap off to the East. Below you is a platform with a chest on it. Head over to the chest, claim it, then head East, jumping the gap and climbing the Wall there. When you reach the top head over to the first Golem and remount it. Roll it over to the West and park it in the Ball Socket that is nearby the beams there.

Dismount the Golem once again and get to the chain of the second. Run along it back to the Golem then jump off the chain. Head back to the South and the gate that was raised there. Now it is possible to claim the page from the Book of the Dead that was gated over before. Head back to the Golem's chain and climb on, this time head over to the West and through the door.

After the panorama it is time to deal with some Constructs of the Warrior Variety. Defeat them both and head to the Northeast. Time for a little Wall Running. Get over to the hand hold and head to the far end of it. There have Death drop down to the beams below it. Jump across the remaining beams and to the ground below.

Continue to the North and climb up the wall to the hand holds above. Start Wall Running to the left and do not stop until Death finds solid ground beneath that wall. When he does touch down though it is time to fight once again. Approach the door to trigger the pack of Prowlers that will launch themselves at Death. Once that has thinned down a pair of Savage Stalkers will come at Death as well. Focus intently on only 1 of them at a time. It makes it a lot easier to take them down. Once the fight is over head through the door to the North.

It is time for another puzzle, just as soon as Death has dealt with the Construct Warriors and the Stingers in this room. Head to the Northwestern corner of the room and begin the climb with the post. From the first hand hold above the post, move to the right and jump to the next. Go up from there to the next post and the edge of the next level. Just keep climbing to get on level ground once again. Turn around and you will notice the Orb you need nearby a Shadow Bomb Growth. Shoot it carefully to dislodge the Orb and get it to fall to the room below. Before following it down, first look to the Eastern wall. Up, toward the top of the room, just above the ruins of a pillar and the ceiling is another Stonebite. Shoot it with Redemption to claim a Stone of Power. Now leap onto the beams and cross to the second. Turn East and jump the gap to the other side of the room. Cross one more beam then head East into the small room there. It contains another page from the Book of the Dead. Drop down to the room below. Now roll the stone into the Ball Socket that rests in the middle of the room. This opens the door to the West. Head on through it.

Inside this room things do not get any easier. There is a pair of Tainted Construct Champions. If you thought it was hard taking down the pair earlier in the temple, these follows are harder. If you have restored your Reaper Power, this is not a bad time to use some of it. It is very important to dodge more in a circle around them then toward or away to just avoid the worst of their damage. Keeping Death moving is key to his survival. Even after they go down, 3 more Tainted Construct Warriors will appear. It is important to have some health leftover to deal with them as well.

At the conclusion of it all, smash the boxes along the Southern wall, if not done already. One of them contains another Boatman's coin for Death to collect. Take care of any remaining stragglers then head West to move forward toward the final portion of the temple.