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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 26 – To Move a Mountain, Part 5

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 26 – To Move a Mountain, Part 5

Continue on to the West. This will start a big encounter. There is one over arching strategy that needs to be kept up. As soon as possible take down the Sentinel. This is easiest to do when it is trying to restore one of its Constructs (Tainted or otherwise). It does seem that if the Construct is not tainted at first, when it is restored by the Sentinel it will become tainted.

The first part has 2 Construct Warriors and a Sentinel. The second part has a Tainted Warrior, a Construct Adjunct (later tainted), Warrior and Sentinel. Remember that Redemption is the best option overall. It takes all of 6 shots to take out the Sentinel. The third part has a Tainted Warrior, Adjunct and a Construct Adjunct in addition to the Sentinel. For round 4: A Sentinel, 2 Tainted Warriors and 2 Construct Adjuncts. Now it is time for the final round: a Sentinel, an Adjunct and a Construct Champion. Tear through them quickly as best you can and avoid damage as best you can. After that a pair of Construct Champions appear. If you have the Reaper form available it is a good time to take advantage of it. Otherwise it is a much more difficult battle that will cost a number of potions that to keep Death from falling in battle.

Once the fight is done continue on to the West and through the door there. Turn to the South after that and go through the door there. Start a Wall Run, hop to the opposite wall to continue it and make it to the next room. Just after the Wall Run, turn around. There is a Boatman's Coin along the Western Wall that Death can claim. After that head South and to the East. There you will find a narrow vertical passage that Death can Wall Jump up.

At the top turn to the South and Wall Run along the Southern Wall. This lets Death get to the chest there and its goods. Wall Run back and then head behind the first pillar to the North to claim another chest. Be somewhat wary as you do as there are a few Stingers in the area that will come at Death. Head to the East after that, to the Bell Tower, to find the Journeyman's Compass (with the Death Rides DLC) to complete that part of Lost and Found. Continue to the East to find a Large Tree. In its roots, by the bridge leading out from the Bell Tower, you can claim another Boatman's Coin. Now turn to the South. Before you head through the door be sure to claim the chest that sits to the East of it. Head on through the door after that.

Head over to the East and smash the vases and barrels to collect some gilt. Now turn to the West and activate the Golem and roll it to the South onto the platform in the middle of the room. Climb up the Wall to on the East. Turn to the East and climb up the Wall there to reach the post and the hand holds. Turn to the East after that and head over to the left around the room.

At the top of the room head to the South to find another Golem to activate. Do so and roll it to the North and into the Eastern Ball Socket. It will raise the platform from below with the first Golem. Dismount the first and climb back up onto the first Golem. Roll up the stairs and turn to the East, parking the first Golem in the Ball Socket there. Now return to the second Golem and roll it up the stairs as well. Turn to the South and roll it along the passage to the Ball Socket that rests there. Fire the chain across the gap.