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Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Walkthrough Part 2: Defend The Ark Part 1

You will rejoin the Autobots on the surface of Cybertorn, their escape attempt having failed. They are gearing up for one last escape run, building an Ark designed to shuttle the Autobots off of the planet using the very last of the planet's Energon resources. As you take control of Optimus Prime for the first time in the game, the Ark will come under shelling attack by the Decepticons, who will be launching an all-out war against you in an attempt to stop you from leaving their crumbling home world. Somehow, the Decepticons have broken through Grimlock's post, and the famed Transformer is nowhere to be found. Optimus can't bring him up on the radio, so he has no choice but to fight off the Decepticons and then send troops out to search for Grimlock.

You will begin at an elevated position looking out on the battlefield. Proceed forward towards the waypoint marked on your HUD. You will reach a massive gun at the side of the outpost. Hold X to pick up the gun. As you do, a massive Decepticon artillery cannon will drop from the sky, implant itself in the wall nearby, and fire upon the Ark. There's nothing you can do about it for now. Jump off of the ledge and click in the left stick to transform into your vehicle form. Boost down the path ahead and you will soon encounter allies and many explosions rocking the landscape.

Rocket past your friends and turn the corner to the right ahead. Blast through the red wall, or simply boost through it to break it. Follow the seires of waypoints, smashing all of the barriers along the way. As you make your way through the ruins, take the jump behind the next red wall and follow the waypoint into the ruins ahead. Boost down the corridor to come out at the other end, blasting the debris out of your way using your primary weapon. When you enter the room ahead, two sentry guns will stop you in your path. Luckily, they are on your side and they will confirm your identity, allowing you access to the Autobot's temporary base in the ruins.

When you enter the outpost, you will find a gruesome scene awaiting you. Wounded Autobot soldiers will cling to life as Autobot scientists struggle to repair the base. Approach Ratchet to the right and hit the X button to help stabilize Silverbolt. Plug the cable into the Autobot's power supply. The power will go out for a second, only to pop back on in a few seconds. Silverbolt will be revived with your help. Leave through the door to the right, being careful of the explosion ahead. The explosion will trap another Autobot under some debris. Approach the fallen column and hit X to lift and toss it to the side. Follow the corridor towards your waypoint and you will encounter Jazz. Optimus will assign the friend to go out and find Grimlock, wherever he is. You will also run into Warpath, who will give you an update on the situation. He will tell you that he's gathering a rescue team to save a group of Autobots from an ambush at the West gate. Optimus will ask to be counted in. Before leaving to start the assault, though, visit the store to the left side of the room. At these stores, you can buy primary weapons, heavy weapons, offensive consumables, and defensive consumables, in addition to permanent perks. Try purchasing a few consumables for now; the Diffraction Barrier can be particularly helpful later on in the level. For now, you won't have enough money to buy much else.

Leave the store and proceed to where the Autobots gather at the door. Warpath will give a battle speech, after which you will engage the Decepticons on the other side of the door. Rush out and blast the Decepticon at the top of the door. When you reach the top of the ramp, head to the right and smash the glowing crate to find extra cash, and refill any secondary ammo you might need. Look down upon the plateau below you and lay down some fire on the Decepticons who are hiding out there. When they are all dead, head over to the left side, where you can refill your health and primary ammo. Look out of the large window in the front of this structure to find more enemies. Kill them to the best of your ability before heading down the ramp to the left to face them head on. You can pick up the Scatter Blaster shotgun here, but it's really not the best gun for the situation right now. The Scatter Blaster is really only useful against the Insecticons.

With the area below cleared out, head up the ramp towards your waypoint. You can pick up a Photon Blaster to the left of the stairs, which functions much like a FAMAS or a Battle Rifle; it fires in three-burst rounds. You will need to blow the door at the waypoint, but the Decepticons are mounting a counter attack and you must protect the door. Pull the lever behind you to bring a turret up and mount it. A Decepticon drop ship will come in from the upper right. Unload your gun into the ship to destroy it before it can drop any more enemies. More enemies will rush in from the lower left, and then from the center of the arena. Eliminate all of them, and then immediately turn your attention to the right. Enemies will pour in from the high and low right. Kill them and then quickly turn back to the left, where more enemies will be filing in both high and low. Around this point, enemies will start tossing grenades your way. Watch out for the explosives; you will see a red, grenade shaped indicator on the screen plus an arrow to indicate if a grenade gets tossed anywhere near you. If a grenade lands nearby as you man the turret, hold X to leave the turret and quickly dash away using LB before dashing back over with LB and getting back on the turret. You don't want to risk losing the entire checkpoint just to stay behind the relative safety of the turret, so be sure to watch out for grenades as you mop up the rest of the Decepticons.

Also around this point, enemies with Rocket Launchers will man the upper platform directly ahead of you. Watch out for these bad guys popping over cover and launching a salvo or two of rockets your way; again, if you are struck by one of these explosives, it's more or less a Game Over, so if you see one coming your way don't hesitate to leave your position at the turret and dash away to safety before returning to the turret to mow the enemies down. Whenever you see a rocket soldier enter the battlefield, they should always be your first priority. If you find yourself in need of health, you can use an Energon Cube behind the turret to refill. In the very last leg of the protection sequence, you can expect to fend off against enemies jumping down from the upper right as well as a few enemies rushing in from the lower center of the arena. You may need to refocus your efforts on the lower center of the battlefield eventually, as this is where all of the enemies will converge when they make it past the initial killing zone.

With the battle over, place the Det Pack on the door and walk through to find Perceptor.