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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 43 – The Lord of Bones, Part 2

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 43 – The Lord of Bones, Part 2

The Breach
Head in and Wall Run along the left-hand wall. Use Deathgrip to make it all the way across to the vines (with a quick jump in there). Now take the vines to the close to the edge of the growth, facing North. Lean off it and jump toward the far wall. There you will find a ring that Death can grab and launch himself with using the Deathgrip. Repeat this with the next one to continue the climb. At the top there is a chest you can grab and an interesting door. The Pressure Plate in front of the chest opens a slow closing door to the East. Aftering you grab the chest have Death stand on the Pressure Plate. It will open the door to the East. Now have him run/roll through the now open doorway. While there are 3 chests here you can only claim one for now. The rest require different abilities that Death does not have  right now. Drop down the nearby hole and then drop to the next ledge below. Wall Run along the Northern Wall to make it to the pillar you want to lower Death down on.

Drop from the pillar to the hand hold (or ground) below. Turn to the East and stand on the Pressure Plate nearby the Eastern corridor. Once again, wait for all the blocks to retract. Once they have all retreated it is time to start a Wall Run to reach the end of the corridor. It will take one jump to reach the other end of the corridor.

The door in front of you is locked but Death can still go to the North. Head through the door there to enter into an arena. Here you are attacked by 3 Skeletal Warriors and 4 Skeletons. The second wave has more of the same, with a pair of Skeletal Warriors and a few Skeletons added in. It is not a long fight though. When it is done turn to the East and head through the door there.

This next part is interesting as you need to lay down some groundwork in order to move forward properly. Head to the North as you enter this chamber to find a switch and a Shadow Bomb Growth. Pull a bomb off the Growth and throw it onto the switch. Now grab a second and plant it between the Growth and the switch. Head over to the East across the first bridge then head North and stand by the statue there. Look to the West and you will be able to see the Shadow Bomb Growth. Pull out Redemption and fire off a round at the Growth. It will explode and the blasts from the other 2 bombs will trigger the switch and raise the second bridge indefinitely. Head across it to the East and open the chest there to claim a needed Skeleton Key.

Head back to the West and South. As you do Death is attacked by a swarm of Scarabs. They are not too hard to kill only taking a pair of rounds from Redemption to kill or a well timed area burst attack. The first bridge remains lowered and there is nothing to be done about it except work around it. As you head South notice the pillar sticking up at the end of the platform. Hop onto it and climb up it. Swing to the right on the pillar and jump over to the wall. Start climbing up it with Deathgrip. At the top you will find a pair of chests and a portal to your left. For now the portal cannot be activated so just claim the chest then hop down the ledge again and go to the right, around the corner. Wall Run to reach the next pillar. Swing to the right on it then jump from there onto the ground beneath you.

Time to head back to the arena you were in none too long ago. So head back to the West then turn South and head through the door there. Once in the smaller room use the Skeleton Key on the Eastern door to move forward and toward the basement of the Breach. When you reach the ledge jump down. When Death hits the bottom he will be attacked by 3 Skeletons. Defeat them quickly then head over to the West. Head through the door and immediately go to the left. You will find a Boatman's Coin tucked away just past the door.