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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 44 – The Lord of Bones, Part 3

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 44 – The Lord of Bones, Part 3

The Breach
After grabbing the Boatman's Coin behind the basement door head down the stairs and follow the path as it swings to the West. Head to the South and through the next door. On the other side of that door you will find 8 Skeletons ready to attack Death. They are nothing too bad so just tear through them.

Once the fight is over to the East and get behind the statue there. You will find another Boatman's Coin just sitting there for the taking. Now head behind the Western statue to find a Shadow Bomb Growth. Grab one of the bombs and head out so you can see the ledge above this statue. Get into position and throw the bomb at the Corruption Crystals on the ledge above. Now go to the Southwestern wall and run up to the post there to start Death con a circuit up to the ledge you just cleared. From there head to the Northern wall of the ledge and climb up to the hand hold. Go to the right on it and climb up to the next few hand holds. You will find yourself on the roof of the Breach now. There are 2 chests here but only one can be grabbed at present. Grab it then start dropping down using the hand holds. Once you pass the ledge head over to the right and cross over to the other side of the room. This will take a shot of Deathgrip but nothing hard. When you land you will find a chest and a Skeleton waiting for you. Deal with them in whatever order seems best. Now drop back down to the floor and head through the Southern door to exit the Breach and move onwards.

The Maw
Head to the South to move forward. There is little here aside from Skeletons and the bridge. Cross the bridge segment of the bridge. Deal with the pair of Skeletal Warriors who are hanging on this platform then head over to the East. On the ruins of this segment of bridge you will find a Boatman's Coin waiting there for you. Head to the West now to make for Mistmount

Once you cross over the bridge turn to the South to find another Boatman's Coin just floating in easy reach. After that head Northwest. Deal with the group of Skeletal Warriors that blocks you way North. From there head to the North and East, dropping down 2 ledges. Head through the hallway into the room beyond. There are 6 Skeletons and 2 Skeletal Warriors just waiting to appear there. Defeat them then it is time for a little more collecting. Smash up the stuff in the Northwestern alcove to find another Boatman's Coin. Head to the Southern part of the room and look to the West. There you will spot a Stonebite that you can collect with Redemption. Shoot the Stone of Power to claim it. That is everything here so climb on out and head to the South toward Serpent's Peak. You need to go up the stairs to the South.

There is one final detour to make before going West to Serpent's Peak. Head all the way to the South, hopping off the ledge to the balcony below it. Collect the chest then turn back toward the ledge you came from. There is a switch you will notice that  you want to throw. This will reveal a Deathgrip ring and a post that allows access to a Relic. You only have a limited time to get up there so move quickly. At the top you will claim a Relic of Khagoth for your merchant friend.

Head to the North from there and drop off the top of the ruin. It is time to turn West and head for Serpent's Peak for real.