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Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 56 – Phariseer, Part 3

Darksiders 2 Walkthrough Part 56 – Phariseer, Part 3

Inside this room filled with bones you have a pit in front of you. Turn to the left and climb up the wall there. At the second handhold, take it to the right around the corner. Head to the edge of it and jump from it to claim a Boatman's Coin. On this platform you will find a switch. Push it in to lower a second ring you can use to swing across to the opposite side of the room. Head straight forward to the corner to find the chest with the Dungeon Map.

Turn around and head over to the hoop you just used to cross the room. Look above the hoop to find a Shadow Bomb Growth. Equip Deathgrip and pull one loose. Throw it at the western switch you used to lower this hoop. It will wait to be shot and you need to get into position to use it. Turn to the South and climb the wall there. Use it to get back to the entrance of this chamber. Now turn to the North. You are lined up to complete the run across this room and attempt to get the skeleton key you need. Turn to the left and shoot the Shadow Bomb sitting on the switch. Immediately move into Deathgrip range and cross the room on the 2 hooks. Timed right it will work out perfectly. Otherwise you need to reset the bomb on the switch. On the Northern side of the room just open the chest to get the Skeleton Key.

Drop down into the Pit and cross over to the Southern end of the room. In the pit you will encounter 5 Mummies trying to make your life difficult. You can either kill them or just run straight through to the South. Climb up the wall using the post coming from it then head back into the Elevator Chamber to the South.

As you approach the door to the Elevator chamber gates rise around Death. A new enemy will appear and begin their apporach toward Death. These creatures are called Wraiths. They are exceptionally agile and love to block. While they move slowly they will lash out with their swords with deadly accuracy. Whenever you see one raise its swords is when you want to start some dodging. Equipping Deathgrip and using it to pull one forward is a great way to break their guard and ensure that you can land a few hits. It is recommended to quickly dodge after each series of attacks though. After the first Wraith drops, a pair of them will appear and stalk toward Death. Defeat them much the same way. The big difference it in making sure they cannot flank Death and inflict serious damage that way.

With the Wraiths dead head into the Elevator Chamber. Strike the Crystal just behind the 3 to head up to the third floor. Time to put that key to use. Turn to the South and head up to the door. Use the key to open it up and head in. On the other side of the door you will find 4 Mummies waiting for you around the corridor. Head to the West from there and into the large square chamber.

Inside the square chamber you will find a pair of Wraiths waiting for Death. Approach them cautiously then set into one. While they are hard to handle as a pair using the Deathgrip on them is a great way to quickly throw them off guard and make it a lot easier to just tear through one. Once those 2 go down things get more difficulty: 3 Wraiths appear and attack Death. This is where you need to go full on with your Wraith abilities. Save your Reaper form unless Death is in truly dire need. The reason for that is after the 5 Wraiths you have a new enemy come at you: an Undead General. He has a glaive with a shield that he makes ready use of. It is important to dodge his charges at they do a lot of damage. After that it is finding the best way to deal with him. Exhume distracts him nicely letting Death tear into his undefended back. Unstoppable mixed with a Strong Secondary weapon will overcome his defense. Just keep at it until you can execute him. After the fight be sure to smash up the boxes. One of them in the Northwestern corner has a Relic of Elu-Goth inside it. In the Southeastern corner you will find one with a Boatman's Coin. Finally in the corridor after, to the North, you will find a Soul Arbiter's Sacred Scroll in the first Western Nook. Follow the corridor to its end.