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. Plays, 1st August, 2015

Tom Orry, Editor – Batman: Arkham Knight, PS4

Batman: Arkham Knight screenshot

I had a few hours free one evening this week so decided it was time to get back into Batman: Arkham Knight. I'd only stopped because Rocket League decided to take up all my free time, and I'm glad to report that it's still a great game! I am bemused by one thing, though: how are you meant to easily target multiple enemies with the Batmobile's rockets? I know you have to earn the multiple-lock by building up the meter, but even when it's activated I struggle to target more than one tank. Am I useless, doing something horribly wrong or is it just impossible? I remember doing it in the tutorial at the start, but since then it feels like I need to have ninja hands in order to perform the move on the controller. Someone help me, please.

Oh, and after an hour I went back to Rocket League. Damn it!

Steve Burns, Deputy Editor –Unnamed games of high importance

stealth bastard -

Ah, it's happened again. I've spent most of the week out at a review event for one of the year's biggest games, because why not, eh? Anyway, I can say nothing apart from it was really, really good. You'll love it. I guarantee it.*

While I was at said event, I also had a go on another game the publisher has lined up, and I've got to say that it's probably the best example of its kind in the history of video games. If the developers break it now I will break into their houses and kill their families. I guarantee it.

*Not a guarantee.

Dave Scammell, News Editor – PS3

ps3controller -

Honestly, I know a lot has been said about the state of PS3's update process and background downloading, but you don't really appreciate the sheer horror of it until you head back years after being treated by the relative automation of PS4 and Xbox One.

So yes, after shoving a lovely big hard drive in my launch PS3, I've been working my way through downloading some of the PS Plus titles I missed over the years, although it seems to be taking FOREVER. On the bright side, at least the PS3's background music isn't making me want to claw my ears off. But PSN permitting, hopefully by next week I'll have actually played something.