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Pokemon Conquest- Conquest One: Burning and Learning (5/9)

As you start your first turn, Oichi enthuses to her Jigglypuff about being able to help you.  At the start of the second turn, she takes a few moments to mention that Pokemon have Abilities, and those can also be used to help you in combat.  The game goes on to explain that every Pokemon has an Ability, and not only do they all help, they’re all passive- you don’t have to actively use them, they just happen anyways.

Either way, this battle should be over in maybe five turns unless you spend a while evading the opposing pokemon- they generally will charge virtually straight for you and attack, making it easy to attack- or counterattack- them.

Once you’ve finished the battle, Oichi rambles a bit about how much stronger your Pokemon look.  The game takes this as a chance to bring up the Link rating that every pokemon with a Warrior has, explaining the basics of how Link works.  Note that there is a discrepancy there- a Pokemon that spends time doing nothing at all with its Warrior will not gain any Link rating, so it’s not just about spending time.  You have to actually have the Warrior and their Pokemon go do things to improve the Link rating the two have.

When that explanation is over, Oichi says it’s time for a break.  The game cuts in again, and brings up the ‘one action per month’ limit.  While defending your fortresses is essentially ‘free’, and happens automatically with the Warriors present in the fortress, so you don’t need to worry about a Warrior being ‘used’ during the rare attack that can happen.  Fortunately, as it turns out, traveling between your fortresses is not an action that counts towards this limit- but a Warrior who has already acted, say by fighting Pokemon and Warriors not part of your army, or going to a Ponegiri shop, cannot travel afterwards. 

Mention is also made of the ‘End Month’ button.  This button appears all over the place- whenever you feel like you’re done with the month’s activities you can use it from the world map or from any of the fortress map screens to- well, end the month and move on to the next one.  There’s really no advantage to ending the month before all your Warriors have acted, but you can do it anyways.  Either way it doesn’t matter- once all your Warriors’ actions are used up, you are automatically presented with a two-button menu allowing you to end the month or continue poking around (not that you can actually do anything at that point).

You are now presented with the ‘End Month’ button, and being that it’s really the only thing you can actually do now, you should press it.  With the end of the month, it becomes ‘everyone else’s turn’.  This gives you the chance to actually see that Hideyoshi guy, who is ranting and raving about how incompetent his Warriors were when they went to attack you.  He chews the scenery for a bit and insists that he’s going to make Aurora his, and then the whole of Ransei- and you get to see him and his Warriors’ power ratings increase, as he has them train against local wild Pokemon.