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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 18 – R-03: Mile High (Rooftops)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 18 – R-03: Mile High (Rooftops)

Head forward to the base of the crane. There is a Holo-Chip (M) in the Right-hand corner. Next to the crane is a Drum Can. After that hop onto the crane, run up it carefully as Raiden call fall to his death from here. When you drop off it you will find yourself attacked by Cyborg Cops, Sliders and an Armored Cyborg. One of the 2 Sliders has an ID Chip on them. Be sure to finish them with Zandatsu to ensure you can cut off the left hand. If you do not get the drop, then reset to the last checkpoint and try again. It is not a hard fight to get through. Be sure that Raiden is in good shape at the end of the fight.

There are a few things to collect here. On the raised portion of the roof, between the 2 parts of the building Raiden can find a VR Terminal (#10) behind the pipes after an Item Box with some Repair Nanopaste. Over to the left he can find a Grenade and to the right an EMP Grenade. After that climb to the top of the building and Ninja Run over to the Red Metal Platform to reach the next building. Head up the stairs and get onto the rooftop. Time for another Ranked Battle.

Ranked Battle 6: 1 Cyborg Beserker, 2 Sliders (+1 Cyborg Berserker)
This introduces you to the Cyborg Beserker. These Armored unit can be quite a handful if they are given much of a chance to attack you. Immediately close the distance and watch out for the yellow glow. When you see that use Offsensive Defense to quick move to one side of them and continue your assault. It is very simple to make it through the armor with the Pole-Arm alone. After that, focus on the Sliders. Target them and jump to start slicing into them. After that a second Beserker will attack Raiden from behind an Air Conditioner. Close in on him and take it just like the last one: Using the Pole-Arm.

After that fight there are a few things to do, and in short order. Head over to the left from where you had the fight, slice through the fencing and look down for a Locked Item Box. Slice it open with Blade Mode. Inside is a Holo-Chip (L) but head towar the center of this smaller rooftop and you will find yourself in another Ranked Battle.

Ranked Battle 7: 3 Cyborg Cops, 2 Sliders  (+2 Sliders)
Start with the Cops and go for some quick Slide Tackle/Zandatsu Kills to thin the field. After that, lock onto a Slider. Run until you can get a clean line of attack on it then jump and assault it with light attacks. Only when that combo is coming to an end should you use the Pole-Arm to bring them down and finish it off. This is an easy battle to get through, it's the higher rankings that get tricky.

Head to the front of the building and run over to where Raiden touched down on this building. GO back up the stairs and climb the second set to get to the top. While you can just Ninja Kill this Armored Cyborg, that bypasses a Ranked Battle, a bad idea

Ranked Battle 8: 1 Armored Cyborg, 1 Hammerhead
This is an odd coupling to be fighting but a deadly one. Start by hitting the Cyborg with a Sliding Tackle or anything else that will floor him. From there just pummel him with attacks to break the armor. When Prompted, perform a Zendatsu on him. This can all be done before the Hammerhead can really get into position. Just pummel it with blows after you lock onto it. A mix of the HF Blade and the Pole-Arm will bring it down in very short order and set up for a nice Zendatsu finish.

With the battle over go to the next red metal platform to the left and jump to the building on the far side. There is a lot on the next building so be ready when you land.