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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 17 – R-03: Mile High (Office Building)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 17 – R-03: Mile High (Office Building)

Once inside look to the left for the Standee. Just like the poster at the start of the level you want to hit it with Blade Mode to reveal what it actually is. Now head up the stairs to the right and go back over to the left. There is another VR Terminal (#9) to activate. Just slice through the glass to get at the terminal faster. Head over to the left-hand corner of this level to find a Repair Nanopaste. After that go down the corridor and open the door on the left.

Ranked Battle 4: 2 Urban Gekko, 4 Tripods (+4 Tripods)
You have a number of tripods to deal with but they are easy. The 2 Gekkos offer more of a challenge. Focus on moving in and countering their charges if possible or getting a Parry Counter off one of their melee attacks to chain into a Zandatsu. It is very simple to get through this and enjoy a decent rank with only the HF Blade and the Pole-Arm. When it comes to dealing with the Tripods just use the Pole-Arm to quickly dispatch them without them even having a chance to get at Raiden.

After the fight there are 2 things to grab in the room, if you did not get them accidently over the course of the fight itself. The first is a foil-lined box to the right of the entrance you came through. The second is a 3D Photo Frame found across from where you came in. Grab these 2 things then you are ready to move forward into the next room.

Head over to the left and around the corner. By the doorway is a box. Slice it open to reveal the third Man In A Box. Quickly get a Zandatsu Kill on him if you need some Health or a Fuel Cell Recharge. Now head over to the right and down along the corridor. You are closing in on the next Ranked Battle. The Cyborg that triggers this fight has an ID Chip in his left hand so be on guard for this and be ready to take it.

Ranked Battle 5:  2 Riot Shield Cyborgs, 3 Police Cyborgs
Overall this is an easy fight. The hard part is the one you want to kill and cut the hand off of is the one with the Rocket Launcher. Immediately close in on him and hit him with a Slide Tackle. Chop off the left hand instantly then go for a cross cut to properly perform a Zandatsu on him. Carry this over to any other Cyborg Cops that are nearby. After that, focus on the 2 with Riot Shields. Use the Pole-Arm to quickly destroy their shields then move in for a Blade Mode finish on them.

With the resistance here cut through head over to the left and over to the elevator. Just interact with it to call it and send it up with Raiden to the roof. After a simple chance to talk with Dok, everything seems to be in order for the rest of the team.