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Recycle your old games CDs and DVDs

Recycling has helped this planet a lot. All human beings owe a lot to this planet. One way to save it is by recycling as many products as we can. This way we are not only saving the world from landfills filled with trash but also reducing the carbon dioxide emissions. Every year thousands of old games DVDs and CDs are thrown into trash. Many people do not know they can sell old gamesfor cash and get them recycled. At the old games DVDs and CDs are recycled. You can sell CDs DVDs here and get paid in cash. Go to the website and enter the bar code from the back of your game into the space provided on the website. The website will display the price for which is ready to buy your games. Please make sure you do not have a pirated CD or DVDs as they let you sell CDs DVDs of games that are original. Your games do not have to be new. You can sell old games here.

Get rid of your games DVDs and CDs by following a series of simple steps. First step is to enter the barcode. Second step is to agree to the price that the company is offering. Third step is to print the receipt. Fourth step is to make the parcel according to the instructions. Once the DVDs and CDs of games have been packed you can either drop the parcel at free shop near your place or ask for the courier to pick it up. There are certain rules that apply to the package. If the parcel contains 10-49 DVDs or CDs of games then it has to be dropped at the nearest free shop. The free shops are free and they do not charge a fee to send your stuff to But if you have more than 50 items in your list then you can schedule free pick up of parcel by courier service. A time and date will be decided at which the package will be picked up from your place. Once the company receives the parcel they release the payment. The payment is in form of pay order. It will be sent to you and without even paying for the transfer of a parcel, cash will be in your pocket.

You can also sell your old mobile phones at this website. The procedure is a little different. Here you have to enter the make and model of mobile phone on the website. The price that the company is willing to pay will be displayed. Once you have agreed to it, you can send them your mobile phone and wait for your cash. This way you are not only helping in cleaning your place from unused DVDs and CDs of games but also helping the company in recycling the material that is thrown into the trash every year. Go ahead and send the parcel to and wait for your cash. You are in for some extra cash from selling your old games.