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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 19 – R-03: Mile High (Rooftops to the Subway)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 19 – R-03: Mile High (Rooftops to the Subway)

On this building things get interesting in terms of getting everything in the first go. Just remember, every collectible only needs to be grabbed once. First, turn to the left and look for the Slider that drops the Cyborg Cop off. Now wait for it to come to Raiden's position. When it is close, use Blade Mode to slice through its wings and collect its cargo: Data Storage 11. If you miss, simply restart as the checkpoint is just before it appears. You need to activate Blade Mode just as it closes on Raiden's, seconds before hand because of its high travel speed. After that it is time to deal with another Hostage Rescue situation and one of the Captors has an ID Chip in their left hand.

If you are on the lower area, run over to the left and head behind the big fans. If you are still above, just wait. Either way, when the Cyborg Cop turns their back, move in for a Ninja Kill. Now arm yourself with EMP Grenades and start toward the Cyborgs standing over the Hostage. Hug the wall to the left and move in carefully. Throw the EMP Grenade over the barrier and toward the Cyborgs. This will draw all their fire onto Raiden. Use a Slide Tsckle and immediately take out the one with the ID Chip in their arm, severing the arm first. Once again, if you do not see something green drop, reset. Pull the fight away from the hostage and take down the Cyborgs as quickly as you can. When the fight is over, take with the civilian and they will book it out of there. Follow them to hear from Wolf again. Head over to the right-hand corner of the roof to find a Holo-Chip (M) to add to your BP. After that head into the elevator after slicing through the gates. Follow that up by slicing the cables with any attack.

When Raiden lands, all the light will fade. To see you need to use AR mode. Head into the next room and over to the left. There is an Item Box with a Repair Nanopaste inside it. After that cut through the nearby door and into into the tunnel. Go across to the right where you will find an Item Box with an EMP Grenade. Now it is time for a more stealth approach. All combat here is unranked, which is helpful as there are a number of Mastiffs here you need to deal with.

Start by hugging the left-hand wall. Keep on it until you find the Item Biox. Loot it for the Holo-Chip (M) then Ninja Run up onto the nearby container. Look down and to the right. You will likely spot 2 Mastiff. Wait for the mobile one to move away. Once it does, close in on the stationary one and get a quick Ninja Kill on it. Reactiactive AR mode and get a Ninja Kill on the mobile one after that. Move in carefully to do so, sometimes it will move in a slightly odd pattern. The good news is this appear will ensure the other Mastiffs in the tunnel will not join the fight. Just keep it local if it comes to combat and there is nothing to worry about.

Head around the Cargo Container you jumped off and go to the other side of it. Turn to the left and you will find Data Storage 12. Move carefully as there is another Mastiff in the area. Grab the Data Storage then return to the right-handside. Now wait for the Mastiff to turn around and head back. This is when you should move up behind it and take it down. Head over to the train that is sitting nearby and Ninja Run up onto the top of it.

This next part is interesting to do. You need to deal with a number of Tripods dropping from the ceiling onto you. Just use the Pole-Arm to slice through them all and advance. Just deal with them until you pass by another wall of rubble. Drop to the floor then and head for the far corner. There Raiden will find VR Terminal 11.  Grab it then head back toward the train. Wait here for the nearby Mastiff to pass by. At that point, close in for a Ninja Kill. Now, hug against the wall but do not hop up onto the platform. There is one more thing to do before the next battle: a Double Tripod. Head down to the final Wall of rubble. Get there and turn to the right. You will see it just standing there. You can just throw a grenade at it to take it out or close in for a quick fight. Be sure to also grab the RP Grenade that sits on a car close to the platform lip. After that head for the platform and the next Ranked Battle.