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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 20 – R-03: Mile High (Subway to the Mall)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 20 – R-03: Mile High (Subway to the Mall)

Ranked Battle 9: 1 Mastiff, 7 Tripods
This is a simple battle to complete in a low time. The trick is to throw an EMP grenade into the midst of everything. It will short out the Mastiff for more than long enough for you to slice through its armor and give you a chance to decimate the Tripods that appeared using the Pole-Arm. Just press a Heavy assault on the Mastiff and finish it with a successful Zandatsu.

Head on up the stairs after you open the shutter at the marked location. Raiden and Wolf talk then Raiden can move forward. Cut through the gate on the far side of the room but keep an eye out to the left once you pass through the doorway. VR Terminal 12 sits off to the side here and it is very easy to miss if you are just running through. Head for the door and start Ninja Running, another Ranked battle is about to start

Ranked Battle 10: 1 GRAD, 1 Armored Cyborg, 2 Cyborg Cops
One of the 2 Cyborg Cops has ID Chip 13 in his arm (the one wearing the Ball Cap). This means you need to close in and lob it off first. This is by running in is so important. It will ensure that Raiden can be it there without any trouble at all or damage. If you miss the cut, just restart from the last checkpoint, which puts you by the door. Once you get the arm, this fight gets interesting. Keep close to the overpass to avoid having the GRAD fire on you and take out the remaining Cyborgs.

With the Cyborgs down Wolf will give you the cue to slice through the supports of the overpass. This will bring the GRAD down to Street Level. When it lands, it is stunned. Move in quickly, lock onto it and pummel away on it with the Pole-Arm. With enough of a combo you can keep it stun locked for the whole battle until its Zendatsu finish prompt. Do not take the other Zendatsu chances as they are just slicing away armor and its "arms".

There are a few things you can collect in the area below, but the top priorty can be found at the top of the stairs to the left. That thing is ID Chip 14. Run, not Ninja Run, up the stairs and approach the Armored Cyborg from behind. Get him with a Ninja Kill and quickly sever his left hand. This leads to a confrontation but you are in a solid position to quickly break the armor over the arm and sever it. This will knock him out of the fight. You now have 2 Cyborg Cops and 1 Cyborg Beserker to deal with. Take them out all in turn. With them down, drop to the lower level. Between the stairs and the platform on the Northern end you will find a locked Item Box. Use Blade Mode to slice it open to get an Endurance Upgrade. Grab it, the grenade in the Northern are of the plaza and the rocket launcher. After that go up the stairs and start Ninja Running toward the next set. There is another Ranked Battle and the first cyborg you see on the left has an ID Chip in their arm (#15)

Ranked Battle 11: 4 Cyborg Cops, 1 Fenrir
Start by charging up the stairs and using a Slide Tackle on the left-hand Sentry Cop. Quickly sever his left hand to get the ID Chip then finish him with a Zendatsu. After that, quickly finish off the remaining Cops. A Fenrir unit will appear, Wolf explains that it is a vastly dumbed down version and regards it as less intelligent than a dog. It fights much like Wolf did when you encounter him without the multiple phases. Just pull out the Pole-Arm and slice through it. Parry all the attacks you can and it will not be hard to beat it in only a short while.

At the top of the stairs on the right is another poster you can use Blade Mode on. Give it a quick slice to reveal the true poster underneath. Just go forward to move onto the next area of this File.