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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 23 – R-04: Hostile Takeover (Foyer)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 23 – R-04: Hostile Takeover (Foyer)

This start with Raiden heading forward toward and past the reception desk. If he goes over to the right he can collect some Repair Nanopaste. Just after you get the warning of local Law Enforcement the first ranked battle of this File will begin.

Ranked Battle 1: 4 Cyborg (+2 Cyborgs and 2 Fenrir)
This fight starts with ID Chip 16 dropping in. Either just run and gun straight for him or cut down all his cohorts and then take him down. They are Desperado variants on the standard Cyborg, nothing too bad to face down. It is after they go down that the battle gets more challenging. You have 2 Fenrir units join into the fight. Focus on parrying and use your new Sai to pull yourself in. Remember the sais, if charged, will stun the target making for an easier kill.

With the first fight over it is time to go after Data Storage 14. Head up the right-hand staircase and turn to the right. There is a narrow ledge you can jump onto. Move from the ledge and jump from there to the Tvs to the next ledge. Here you will find the Data Storage.

Now properly go up the stairs. In the 2 Glass Cases near the stairs you will find yourself with 3 Homing Rockets and 3 Rocket Launchers. Smash them open the  head for the left-hand side of the room. A Slide Tackle will instantly shatter the glass making for easy access to the contents. Be sure to get at the case on the left-hand side as it contains VR Terminal 13. Grab the remaining launchers and then head for the nearby elevator bay. When Raiden tries to use the elevator is when the next ranked battle will begin. Do note that the Riot Shield Cyborg who immediately attacks Raiden has ID Chip 17 in thier left hand.

Ranked Battle 2: 2 Cyborgs (+3 Cyborgs x2), 2 Riot Shield Cyborgs, 3 Sliders, 2 Mastiff, 1 GRAD
This is made more difficult because of some of the movement restrictions on Raiden but overall not too hard to manage. Start with AR on to properly find the Cyborg with the ID Chip so you can take him out of the fight early. After that it gets a lot easier to focus on the rest. The first part of the fight is simple enough with just the Cyborgs and the few Sliders, especially using the Gun Turrets that have been provided by the railing. Just remember that the turrets take a second or so to wind up and begin firing, using this time to aim. Watch out for the first Riot Shield up the stairs as it is likely the one with  the ID Chip, use AR to confirm who and take them out first. Once the Cyborgs on the stairs are dealt with you can either continue the fight or break for the elevator.

After the first wave of Cyborgs and Sliders, there are more Cybrgos that will appear on the pillars. Use one of the turrets to gun them down. As you fire on them you will see 2 Mastiffs enter the area. Shoot them while you can but after engage them in melee. Go for as quick a kill as you can on them because as the Cyborgs thin a GRAD will appear.

When the GRAD appears you need to focus on it as it can inflict a lot of damage otherwise. Get to the turret you did not use and open fire on it. If you want to get an 80-hit combo, this is the time to do it (if you have not already).

When the fight is over head for the one open elevator and go inside to the waypoint. Once inside you will trigger a Codec conversation and the elevator will begin to rise.