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Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 22 – R-03: Mile High (Monsoon Battle)

Metal Gear Rising Walkthrough Part 22 – R-03: Mile High (Monsoon Battle)

Ranked Battle 14: Monsoon
After a Lengthy cutscene it is time to fight Monsoon who behaves very differently. He has Modes that he will use in addition to the tradition 3 Phase Fight here.

The fight starts with a simply parry. If you are profient at them, it is very easy to get a Parry Counter from this. It is very easy to defend and see his standard array of attacks.. This is one of those cases where you can, with practice, be offered a Blade Mode chance to do some serious damage to Monsoon. However it is a very precise cut and hard to do. Line it up very carefully. Watch his attacks and learn what you can of them. Most are short combos. If he is crouching there is a chance he will attempt to launch Raiden in the air a combo. If Raiden has the Aerial Parry ability then he can stop it, but only then.

Shroud Mode
He will likely make a veil of fog surround the area. Be ready to guard or parry as you cannot land a blow on him during this time. The only attacks of concern that Monsoon will throw out are his Pinwheel and his aerials. These can do some damage, most of his other attacks do more chip damage.

Magnetic Mode
When Monsoon hits 70%, 50% and 20% he will jump up onto the raised areas Raiden cannot reach. He will then grab various items and throw them at Raiden. Each time he enters this mode he will throw more and more items at you. The trick to getting through it all is the use of Blade Mode. Use it to slice through the items. If it is coming from above, use a verticle slice, if it is coming at Raiden from the side: hortizonal.

Aura Mode:
Monsoon has a Purple aura emitting from him. During this time he cannot be hit with short combos. He is setting up for attacks of his own. He leads with an impossible Extended Sai Attack (which can stun Raiden when it hits him) and follows it with an Extended Kick. This has Monsoon's lower body charge Raiden. If either case, it is best to parry or Parry Counter these attacks. Finally Monsoon's Torso will move in to attack Raiden. Once again parry or Parry Counter to break the attack. If you just want to end this, quickly throw an EMP grenade at him.

Lorentz Force Mode:
Effectively the second phase of the battle, Monsoon will employ this mode when he gets below 40% health. He will use Electromagnets to create a massive barrel to roll over Raiden with. There are 2 ways to deal with: A Double Parry or simply dodge it, cutting out toward the sides.

Denouement Mode:
The Third Phase of the battle, his final mode. He will trigger it at 10% health. Just use Ninja Run and follow the prompts to finish the battle. This is the final part and your last chance just to destroy him utterly.

With the completion of this mission it will Unlock Ripper Mode for all other chapters. This opens up a lot of possiblities for past battles and in many cases makes getting a S-Rank a lot easier. Time to move onto the next File.