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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 56 – Storm Chaser (Research Bunker: Elevator to Ancient Tomb)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 56 – Storm Chaser (Research Bunker: Elevator to Ancient Tomb)

Head down the stairs around the elevator shaft, prying your way through the door on the second floor. Now drop through the opening on the second floor and go over to the “1” marked on the floor of the bottom floor. First look to the the right to spot the Fourth totem. Now go to the left and pry open the door there for easier access.

Head over to the opening in the wall ahead on the left. You will hear some of the Solarii talking so head forward but do not pass beyond the barrels on the right. Look through the fencing straight ahead from the doorway to spot the final Sun Totem (This is the final piece of the last challenge if you have completed them all in order). If you are having trouble spotting it then use Survival Instinct to make it more visible. Next head, quietly and carefully to the right. Behind the crates you will find the second Helmet

After that it is time to deal with the 2 Solarii in this corridor. Pick them off one at at time with quick head shots. With them dead head over to the left to loot the locker. Then head forward through the corridor and go to corridor off to the right-hand side where you can find another locker and a XP Cache. Head over to the right-hand side and climb up onto the crates. Take them all the way back to find the final GPS Cache in the area. Now take a little time to head over to the South, near where you likely killed the Solarii. Climb the crates there and go into the area behind it to find the Research Base Treasure Map.  After that head over to the West and down the passage there to get on up the stairs. At the top of the stairs you will automatically gain the final document of the area (General: Failure Of Duty) after the cutscene. Head on down the stairs to trigger the next part of this chapter. Several Solarii will gather here and move to attack Lara after the passage you came through is destroyed.

Immediately take cover against the railing of the stairwell or the blue barrels around the base of it. You can also take cover on the far side of the stairs. It is not very hard to use that to make sure you can easily reach all the of the Solarii who are attacking you. Most of them are Armored so it will take more than a quick shot or two to take them down. Be sure to hit the Red Barrel in the Top Right part of the room so you can simply blast away some of your enemies early on. After that move around as needed and go from cover to cover to make sure you do not get shot full of holes.

During the fight a metal barrier will have fallen. When the fight is over head onto the scaffolding that the Solarii were on and go down the passage you will find there. Lara will duck into a smaller area and shortly after slide down a slope some. When time slows as you slide, jump and catch yourself on the craggy wall opposite the slope. Climb on up it and head down the passage in front of you. You will hear from the crew and they are under attack.

After the radio burst from Reyes head out onto the ledge and over to the left. There is a post there so create a rope bridge across the gap. Slide down it and look over to the right. You will see 2 Solarii moving up on the planks there. Wait for them to finish talking then pick them off, the one behind first, then the one in front. Loot the bodies then head over to the left and use the Rope Ascender on the Zipline to quickly gain height. This will get Lara on top of the tower. Quickly cross over to the next Zipline and take it down to the Camp below. The Solarii will retreat as Lara approaches. Another cutscene runs and then everyone is on board for the idea of heading inland to stop the storms that are keeping everyone here.