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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 57 – Going Back In (Mountain Pass To Chasm Stronghold)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 57 – Going Back In (Mountain Pass To Chasm Stronghold)

Head onto the boat after you upgrade or invest any lingering points. There is a quick talk between Reyes and Lara going over just what she is expecting to find here. Start this off by moving over to the post and then firing a Rope Arrow into the craggy wall. From there cross the gap either by climbing across or using the Rope Ascender. Head down the passage and wait for the cutscene. Mathias and Whitman are leading Sam toward the Temple. Mathias has Whitman go to introduce Sam as their new queen and they cut him down.

After the cutscene head over to the right, where it was brought to your attention there were Oni. Use the Post and the craggy surface to fire off a Rope Arrow and cross the gap over to the alternate entrance to the Temple. Just run across the ledge, scramble up the wall and head into the Temple. Things are looking good so far.

Once inside and around the first corner you will see a trio of Oni go by. Wait for all of them to leave and then appear the end of the room where they were. Pull out your bow and use a Fire Arrow to burn through the debris found there. It will reveal a small tunnel Lara can go through. Do so to move on forward.

On the other side stay behind the short wall and move carefully. To say the least there are a lot of Stormguard here. Head up the stairs to the right and cross the room using the beam. From there head to the ledge in front of you, the one that passes under the faces of a number of Oni. Unfortunately as she heads around the corner and tries to climb through to get deeper in she draws their attention when some skulls are knocked to the ground. She will start running. Keep Lara running toward the screen to keep her moving in the right direction. Just keep this up until she takes a spill down a slope.

Head on down the tunnel in front of you. Be careful as you will be attacked by one of the Oni. This single Oni is quickly joined by 2 others. With these foes it is very important not to get hit or grabbed. The grab leads to a One-Hit Kill, getting hit will do major damage to Lara. Keep moving and use Dodge Counters to ensure that you survive this initial encounter. Also, do your best to ensure that you are only fighting them one at a time, even when there are multiple Oni on the field. These are the easy ones and they only get more difficult to take down.

Head down the passage where you fought the Stormguard. This will lead you to the Sheltered Hallway Camp. Take a moment to rest at the camp to get the next Journal entry from Lara. Upgrade what you can or just save up salvage toward that goal. After that just head forward and break through the door with the Axe to find Mathias and Sam again.