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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 55 – Storm Chaser (Research Bunker: Entrance to Elevator)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 55 – Storm Chaser (Research Bunker: Entrance to Elevator)

With the first GPS and Relic in hand and the Salvage collected start down the watery path toward the rest of the Center. When the next craggy wall comes into view, look to the left to find a plant for some XP. Climb up the wall and turn around to find a Salvage Net. After that just head in and over to the left. Squeeze through the opening there to continue on forward.

Before dropping down look to the left of the bulb hanging above you. In the rafts on the left-hand side you will find a Sun Totem. Shoot it down to begin the Sun Killer Challenge. Now drop down to the floor below and move forward into the office in front of you. This will reveal the Research Lab Base Camp but you cannot use it right now as there are Solarii in the nearby corridor. Search past the fire on the right-hand side of the room to find the first Document of the area (Soldier: Awakening). Head into the corridor quietly and pick off the 2 Soldiers that are patrolling this area quietly.

With the soldiers dealt with head back over to the camp. There you can see a doorway over to the right. Pry it open with the Climbing Axe. Look up and to the left to find the Second Sun Totem. Now aim across the hall and through the window in front of you. Use Survival Instinct to spot a Third Sun Totem in the window. Finally, take a minute to visit the camp. If you have not visited any tombs, this is a good time to make some quick trips to them.

Jump the gap and over to the window. Go into it and you will find a XP Cache and the second GPS Cache. Grab those then climb back out the window. Go over to the left and climb the ledge there. Ahead you will see a Green button. Go over to it and press it. This will open the doorway enough for Lara to easily pass through it.

Go forward and hit the green button to the left of the elevator. This will bring down the elevator but it will jam in the process. Hop onto the crates to the right and use the Climbing Axe on the gear there. It will bring the elevator down more but it will not break through the fencing. Climb up onto the elevator and then climb the opposite wall and through the opening on the other side.

Climb up the stairs to the left and stop at the first opening. On the barrel to the right you will find the second Document (Unknown: Mysterious Orders). Turn around and look to the right. There is another Elevator Call button. Hit it to bring the elevator up to your floor. Go onto the elevator and look above you and over to the right. There you will find a barricade. Blast it open with your shotgun.

Head back around to the stairs you just came up. Look up and you will see a spot that you can jump up to to collect some Salvage but it also has a small opening to the right. Go to that opening to pry off another of the gears. After that go up and around to the fourth floor, across the gap. Now call up the elevator. It will be rising slowly now but you cannot immediately get at the gears.

Drop down onto the elevator as it raises and when it gets to the opening, jump through it and onto the craggy wall beyond. Head around and over to the left. When you get to the end of it drop down. Grab the salvage then turn your attention to the opening for the gear to the left. Pry it off with the axe.

Drop onto the steps below and head for the opening for the elevator. From there jump up onto the ladder and climb up it. This will lead right to the final gear on the elevator. Pry it off to send it crashing down.