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Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 54 – Storm Chaser (Shipwreck Beach to Research Bunker)

Tomb Raider Walkthrough Part 54 – Storm Chaser (Shipwreck Beach to Research Bunker)

Head over to the post to the Northeast. Use a Rope Arrow to get over to the craggy wall on the far side. Climb over to the right, jumping the gaps. From there just go up. In front of you you will spot the remains of a wall. Head around to the other side of it and look for a table to the left. There you will find  the Fourth Document (Whitman: My Greatest Discovery). After that head between the Water and Radio Tower to find the Final GPS Cache of the Shipwreck Beach Area.

Now head back around to the other side. Here you will spot a part of the wall you can scramble up. Do so and jump over to the Water Tower. Climb around it and go up onto the top of it when you can. Now jump to the ladder you see nearby and head on up it. Hop up from the ladder to the pipe and over to the right. This will get Lara onto a platform that will let her move forward. She now needs to use the Rope Arrow/Ascender Combo to pull 2 gondolas toward her. The first one is fine but the second one is very unstable and will collapse just after she leaps off it. From there just cross over to the bunker in the mountainside.

When you land just run forward and scramble up the nearby wall. Grab onto the piping and head over to the right. Jump the gaps and make for the ladder you see hanging above you. Climb up the ladder than hop up to the craggy wall. From there climb to the top to find some Salvage. From there just jump the gap to the left and start creeping along the wall to the right.

On this landing you have 2 Solarii to deal with. They are working on something. Wait for the 2 to separate from the fire then you can easily pick them off one at a time. Head over to the back right and then scramble up the wall and climb over to the left. From there just jump to the craggy wall and climb up it to the ledge above. Cross to the far side and use the post to create a rope bridge to the craggy cliff face opposite and below you. Climb across it and then go around over to the left. From there it is a simple matter of making one jump to another cliff face and climbing it up to the right.

Back on solid ground head over to the right. You will find another gap you need to jump. First though look above it. You will see a Reinforced Rope Coil. Hit it with a Rope Arrow and use the Ascender to clear the path. After that make the jump over to the ladder and climb up to and go through the new Doorway. Go on through and over to the left. After a bit of running along the pathway you will have no problem finding the craggy wall that leads down into the Research Center and the Ancient Tomb within it. Drop from the first to the second craggy wall and then into the water to enter the Research Center properly. Be sure to head over to the first ledge on the left. There you will find the first GPS Cache inside this area. Now turn to the wall you just climbed down and go over to the right. Use a Grenade from your Rifle to blast down the metal wall. Behind it you will find some Salvage. Now head back into the water and look into the small chamber you just left. In the upper left of it you will spy a second Metal Wall. Blast it with a Grenade to bring it down and clear the way forward to the first Relic of the area (Chou Dynasty Helmet).